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Removing a newline character at the end of a file

People also ask

How do I get rid of the new line character in a text file?

Open TextPad and the file you want to edit. Click Search and then Replace. In the Replace window, in the Find what section, type ^\n (caret, backslash 'n') and leave the Replace with section blank, unless you want to replace a blank line with other text. Check the Regular Expression box.

How do I remove a newline from the end of a string?

Use the trim() method to remove the line breaks from the start and end of a string, e.g. str. trim() . The trim method removes any leading or trailing whitespace from a string, including spaces, tabs and all line breaks.

How do I remove the last newline character in Unix?

The -c 1 flag gets the last character of the file. We pipe this character into wc to check whether it's a newline. If it is, we use head -c -1 to print the whole file except the last character, thus removing the newline.

Why have new line at the end of file?

If content is added to the end of the file, then the line that was previously the last line will have been edited to include a newline character. This means that blame ing the file to find out when that line was last edited will show the text addition, not the commit before that you actually wanted to see.

A simpler solution than the accepted one:

truncate -s -1 <<file>>

From the truncate man page (man truncate):

-s, --size=SIZE
    set or adjust the file size by SIZE
SIZE may also be prefixed by one of the following modifying characters:
    '+' extend by, '-' reduce by, '<' at most, '>' at least, '/' round down
    to multiple of, '%' round up to multiple of.

Take advantage of the fact that a) the newline character is at the end of the file and b) the character is 1 byte large: use the truncate command to shrink the file by one byte:

# a file with the word "test" in it, with a newline at the end (5 characters total)
$ cat foo 

# a hex dump of foo shows the '\n' at the end (0a)
$ xxd -p foo

# and `stat` tells us the size of the file: 5 bytes (one for each character)
$ stat -c '%s' foo

# so we can use `truncate` to set the file size to 4 bytes instead
$ truncate -s 4 foo

# which will remove the newline at the end
$ xxd -p foo
$ cat foo

You can also roll the sizing and math into a one line command:

truncate -s $(($(stat -c '%s' foo)-1)) foo

If you are sure the last character is a new-line, it is very simple:

head -c -1 days.txt

head -c -N means everything except for the last N bytes

I think your best bet is Perl:

perl -0pe 's/\n\Z//' days.txt

The -0 causes perl to treat the whole file as one big string. The -p tells it to print that string back out after running the program on it. And the -e says "here's the program to run".

The regular expression \n\Z matches a newline, but only if it's the last character in a string. And s/\n\Z// says to replace such a newline with nothing at all, deleting it.

The above command outputs the new version of the file, but you can instead modify the existing one by adding the -i ("in-place") option, optionally with a suffix that will be used to name a backup copy of the file before modifying it:

 perl -i.bak -0pe 's/\n\Z//' days.txt

This solution is safe in that if the last character is not a newline, it won't be touched. The other solutions which simply remove the last byte no matter what may corrupt such a file.

Try this command: sed '$ { /^$/ d}' days.txt

You can read it as: "check if last line is an empty line. if so delete this line". I tested with both cases: first with a file having a new line at the end and an other time with a file ending with something else.

Another Sed solution:

sed -z s/.$// days.txt

With the -z option, it interprets the file as a single long line (newlines are embedded as \n), then s matches the single character . before the end of line (= end of file) $, and changes it into nothing. No need for quoting the command.

If you are not sure the last character is a newline, then you do either of these:

sed -z s/\\n$// days.txt
sed -z 's/\n$//' days.txt