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Pug call js function from another file inside template

I can't solve this for almost four hours, and i can't find any helpful documentation for this kind of problems. This is the issue, I'm using pug/jade templates and i want to call function inside pug template to transform some data This is the main template:

 /** main template */
  each pet in pets
        img(src= pet.photo)
        h2= pet.name 
        span.species= (pet.species)
        p Age: #{calculateAge(pet.birthYear)} //here I need to call calculateAge function
        if pet.favFoods
          h4.headline-bar Favorite Foods
            each favFood in pet.favFoods
              li!= favFood
/** end main template **/

This is the external function:

/** calculateAge.js **/

 module.exports = function(birthYear) {
   var age = new Date().getFullYear() - birthYear;

   if (age > 0) {
     return age + " years old";
   } else {
     return "Less than a year old";
/** end calculateAge.js **/

What shell I do to make this happen?

like image 876
Ilija Bradaš Avatar asked May 08 '17 01:05

Ilija Bradaš

2 Answers

There may be better way to handle this, but I usually do it by importing the external module and then passing it as part of template context object. That means the code that renders the template should be something like:

const calculateAge = require("calculateAge"); // change path accordingly

router.get("/main", function(){
  let pageInfo = {};
  pageInfo.title = "Demo";
  pageInfo.calculateAge = calculateAge;
  res.render("main", pageInfo);

Now, you can access calculateAge in your template. If this module is used a lot in most of the templates, then you should pass it as part of res.locals or app.locals so that it is available for all templates without the need to append it for every path request.

like image 146
Mohit Bhardwaj Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 03:11

Mohit Bhardwaj

In PUG options use locals property to import functions you want to use inside your templates.

const calculateAge = require('./calculate-age');

const config = {
  pug: {
    locals: {

Then you can use it in all your templates like this (please note the extra unescaping tag !{}):

p Age: !{calculateAge(pet.birthYear)}
like image 20
mahish Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 02:11
