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Google Maps ExpiredKeyMapError with recently created API Key

I just created an API key for using with my site, the map is going to just show where the company it's placed.

But somehow the map is loaded and then it self refreshed and shows the ExpiredKeyMapError in the js console.

Have you got any idea what it can be?

PS: I tried to re-create it from another account and remove any non google parameters from url generation and still not working.

Page is: https://corporativo.androsol.com/contact/

Thanks for any help!

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JustDevZero Avatar asked Jan 13 '17 10:01


2 Answers

For me it showed that Javascript Maps API was enabled, I had to disable and enable it again.

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Tanel Jõeäär Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 11:11

Tanel Jõeäär

I experimented the same error. I think this is because Javascript Maps API is disabled. To solve go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library and click in Google Maps JavaScript API. I found this solution at ExpiredKeyMapError on newly generated API key. Sorry for poor english. I hope it helps.

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Dhiogo Boza Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 11:11

Dhiogo Boza