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Firebase - Get data by key or chid values - javascript

I am trying to read the data from firebase database, and display the same in a webpage.

My database structure is as below - Image here

If you see the image, i am able to read the "UserData" using the below code -

var database = firebase.database(); 

var ref = database.ref('UserData');
ref.once('value', gotData1, errData);

    function gotData1(data){
    var usrData = data.val();
    var keys = Object.keys(usrData);

    for (var i = 0; i< keys.length; i++){
        var k = keys[i];
        var id = usrData[k].AssignedID;
        var name = usrData[k].Name;

        $(document).ready(function() {
             var $formrow = '<tr><td>'+id+'</td><td>'+name+'</td></tr>';

In the highlighted part of the image, you can see keys with values 196214, 196215, 196216

Now, I need to fetch the values for "One, Count" by matching the key values with available AssignedID.

How can i achieve the same?

Update, JSON as text -

  "app_url" : "https://app_name?ls=1&mt=8",
  "UserData" : {
    "HNpTPoCiAYMZEeVOs01ncfGBj6X2" : {
      "Name" : "Arunima Vj"
      "Email" : "[email protected]",
      "AssignedID" : 196214
    "VXU2tdGdzZX90PJa9mpEL3zAiZo2" : {
      "Name" : "Lakshman Medicherla"
      "Email" : "[email protected]",
      "AssignedID" : 196215
    "dFlwtqDNrja2RkOySVtW106IQP62" : {
      "Name" : "Prashanth Sripathi"
      "Email" : "[email protected]",
      "AssignedID" : 196216
  "teams" : {
    "196214" : {
      "1105" : {
        "One" : 7619,
        "count" : 24
      "1379" : {
        "Two" : 7145,
        "count" : 21
    "196215" : {
      "1111" : {
        "One" : 7779,
        "count" : 20
      "1508" : {
        "Two" : 1176,
        "count" : 21
    "196216" : {
      "1106" : {
        "One" : 7845,
        "count" : 22
      "1509" : {
        "Two" : 1156,
        "count" : 26
like image 953
Prashanth kumar Avatar asked Mar 16 '17 03:03

Prashanth kumar

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1 Answers

Your data structure is quite nested, which makes the code more difficult to read. But this navigates the structure generically in the minimum code I could come up with:

var ref = firebase.database().ref("/42824688");

ref.child("UserData").once('value', gotUserData);

function gotUserData(snapshot){
  snapshot.forEach(userSnapshot => {
    var k = userSnapshot.key;
    var id = userSnapshot.val().AssignedID;
    var name = userSnapshot.val().Name;
    ref.child("teams").child(id).once("value", teamsSnapshot => {
      teamsSnapshot.forEach(teamSnapshot => {
        var teamKey = teamSnapshot.key;
        teamSnapshot.forEach(teamProp => {
          var prop = teamProp.key;
          var val = teamProp.val();
          console.log(k+" "+name+" "+id+": "+teamKey+", "+prop+"="+val);

So for each user, this loads the teams data for that user and then loops over the teamsSnapshot to get each teamSnapshot and then loops over that to get each team property.

Working jsbin: http://jsbin.com/noziri/edit?html,js,console

like image 110
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Frank van Puffelen