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PhoneGap: Open external link in default browser (outside the app)

I'm trying to open links in Safari (on an iPhone) from a PhoneGap application. I'm using PhoneGap version 3.1.0, and use PhoneGap Build, to build the application.

I have two links on the page (shown below in www/index.html). Both links open inside the PhoneGap application. I can see that PhoneGap is loaded correctly, because alert('device ready!'); is triggered.

What do I need to change, to open the links in the default browser (outside the app)?

The www/config.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<widget xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:gap="http://phonegap.com/ns/1.0" id="com.company.appname" version="0.0.3">
  <author href="http://www.example.com/" email="[email protected]">
  <preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.1.0" />
  <preference name="orientation" value="portrait" />
  <preference name="stay-in-webview" value="false" />

  <gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" version="0.2.3" />
  <gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.dialogs" version="0.2.2" />
  <gap:plugin name="com.phonegap.plugins.pushplugin" version="2.0.5" />

    <plugin name="InAppBrowser" value="CDVInAppBrowser" />

  <feature name="InAppBrowser">
    <param name="ios-package" value="CDVInAppBrowser" />
  <access origin="*" />

The www/index.html file looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
  <title>Test application</title>
  <a href="#" onclick="openUrl('http://www.google.com/'); return false;">Link test 1</a>
  <a href="#" onclick="window.open('http://www.google.com/', '_system', 'location=yes'); return false;">Test link 2</a>

  <script src="phonegap.js"></script>
  <script src="cordova.js"></script>
  <script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    function openUrl(url) {
      alert("open url: " + url);
      window.open(url, '_blank', 'location=yes');

    function onDeviceReady() {
      alert('device ready!');
    $(function() {
        document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, true);

Here's the project structure:

├── platforms
├── plugins
│   └── org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser
│       ├── LICENSE
│       ├── package.json
│       ├── plugin.xml
│       ├── README.md
│       ├── RELEASENOTES.md
│       ├── src
│       │   ├── android
│       │   │   ├── InAppBrowser.java
│       │   │   └── InAppChromeClient.java
│       │   ├── blackberry10
│       │   │   └── README.md
│       │   ├── ios
│       │   │   ├── CDVInAppBrowser.h
│       │   │   └── CDVInAppBrowser.m
│       │   └── wp
│       │       └── InAppBrowser.cs
│       └── www
│           ├── InAppBrowser.js
│           └── windows8
│               └── InAppBrowserProxy.js
├── README.md
└── www
    ├── config.xml
    ├── cordova.js
    ├── index.html
    ├── js
    │   └── jquery-1.9.1.js
    └── phonegap.js
like image 570
Martin Avatar asked Nov 15 '13 22:11


4 Answers

This is how i solved in Cordova/Phonegap 3.6.3

Install the inappbroswer cordova plugin:

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser

I wanted to keep my phonegap app as similar as possible to a standard web page: I wanted that by having target="_blank" on a link, it would open in an external page.

This is how i implemented it:

  window.open($(e.currentTarget).attr('href'), '_system', '');

so all i have to do is use a link like the following

<a href="http://www.example.com" target="_blank">Link</a>
like image 157
pastullo Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 00:11


How about this?

<a href="#" onclick="window.open(encodeURI('http://www.google.com/'), '_system')">Test link 2</a>


This may pertain: How to call multiple JavaScript functions in onclick event?

I was thinking, how about this:

Add to code:

$(".navLink").on('tap', function (e) {
    //Prevents Default Behavior 
    // Calls Your Function with the URL from the custom data attribute 
    openUrl($(this).data('url'), '_system');


<a href="#" class="navLink" data-url="http://www.google.com/">Go to Google</a>
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Red2678 Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 23:11


You should use the gap:plugin tag and the fully qualified id in your config.xml to install plugins:

<gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" />

As documented here.

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wildabeast Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11


I am using the cordova 6.0, here is my solution:

1: Install this cordova plugin.

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

2: add the open link in the html like following.

<a href="#" onclick="window.open('https://www.google.com/', '_system', 'location=yes');" >Google</a>

3: this is the most importaint step due to this I faced lots of issue: download the cordova.js file and paste it in the www folder. Then make a reference of this in the index.html file.

<script src="cordova.js"></script>

This solution will work for both the environment android and iPhone.

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Tabish Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11
