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Multithreading Bash If Statements

What is the correct way to multithread independent if statements in a bash script? Is it best to place the & after code contained in the if or after the expression?

For an & after the expression, it makes sense to continue threading as necessary if the if contains a large block of code. But should one line of code also end with &?

After the expression:

if [ expression ] &

After the task:

if [ expression ]
    #task &

Imagine 3 if statements that all perform tasks independent of each other, how does the execution work with the different placement of the &? From what I understand, if placed after the expression, all 3 expressions start (basically) simultaneously and so do the 3 tasks.

#Thread 1         #Thread 2         #Thread 3
if [ expr1 ] &    if [ expr2 ] &    if [ expr3 ] &
  then              then              then
    task1            task2            task3
fi                fi                fi

If placed after the task code, the first if would be evaluated and only as the first task begins would the 2nd if be evaluated. The tasks are more staggered than simultaneous.

#Thread 1         #Thread 2         #Thread 3
if [ expr1 ]
    task1 &       if [ expr2 ]
fi                  then
                      task2 &       if [ expr3 ]
                  fi                  then
                                        task3 &

The expressions cannot be combined to do threading inside the if such as:

if [ combined expression ]
    #task1 &
    #task2 &
    #task3 &
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Matt Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 19:10


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1 Answers

If you want each if condition to execute within the context of its respective "thread" (actually subshell process), then I think the thing to do is put the & after the closing fi statement for each if. Then the evaluation of each if expression, along with conditional code wiil occur entirely within the context of its own "thread".

For example:


if [ 1 ] 
    for i1 in {1..3}; do echo $i1; sleep 1; done
fi &
if [ 1 ]
    for i2 in {a..c}; do echo $i2; sleep 1; done
fi &

Output from each "thread" is interleaved as expected:


Note in all cases with &, these are actually processes (created with fork()) and not threads (created with pthread_create()). See Multithreading in Bash. You can test this by creating a variable, e.g. n=0 before the "threads" are started. Then in one thread increment n and echo $n in all threads. You'll see each "thread" gets its own copy of n - n will have different values in the incrementing and non-incrementing threads. fork() creates a new process copy (including independent copies of variables); pthread_create() doesn't.

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Digital Trauma Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 17:11

Digital Trauma