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Minimize Delphi Form to System Tray

I am a Delphi learner. I am looking for solutions so that Delphi MainForm should be minimized to the System Tray instead of Taskbar. On Right Click on the System Tray Icon there should be some menus like "Restore" and "About" and "Help" etc. System Tray Icons will be loaded from Imagelis1 and it will animate. On Clicking on "Restore" the MainForm will be restored, on clicking on "About" "Form2" will be restored and on clicking on "Help" "Foprm3" will be restored. I have found so many solutions on internet like :

Solution 01

Solution 02

but every solutions have some drawbacks. Some can be done once ony. Some have blurred icon in Windows7. Someone may tell that there is no one to write codes for me and I have to show my codes. Plaese forgive me for this regards. Please give me concrete solution sot that it can be implemented universely without version dependency of windows. It will help every one. Please help me.

like image 617
Rubi Halder Avatar asked Aug 05 '12 21:08

Rubi Halder

2 Answers

This should get you going. Drop a TTrayIcon and a TApplicationEvents on your form. THe following code is from the TTrayIcon - Delphi Example from the docwiki. Use the IDE main menu, and choose Project->View Source, and the line that reads Application.ShowMainFormOnTaskbar := True; to `Application.ShowMainFormOnTaskbar := False;' to keep the application's button from appearing on the Windows Taskbar.

This example uses a tray icon and an application events component on a form. When the application runs, it loads the tray icon, the icons displayed when it is animated, and it also sets up a hint balloon. When you minimize the window, the form is hidden, a hint balloon shows up, and the tray icon is displayed and animated. Double-clicking the system tray icon restores the window.

// Add this to the `TApplicationEvents.OnMinimize` event handler
procedure TForm1.ApplicationEvents1Minimize(Sender: TObject);
  { Hide the window and set its state variable to wsMinimized. }
  WindowState := wsMinimized;

  { Show the animated tray icon and also a hint balloon. }
  TrayIcon1.Visible := True;
  TrayIcon1.Animate := True;

// Add this to the `TForm.OnCreate` event handler
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  MyIcon : TIcon;
  { Load the tray icons. }
  TrayIcon1.Icons := TImageList.Create(Self);
  MyIcon := TIcon.Create;


  { Set up a hint message and the animation interval. }
  TrayIcon1.Hint := 'Hello World!';
  TrayIcon1.AnimateInterval := 200;

  { Set up a hint balloon. }
  TrayIcon1.BalloonTitle := 'Restoring the window.';
  TrayIcon1.BalloonHint :=
    'Double click the system tray icon to restore the window.';
  TrayIcon1.BalloonFlags := bfInfo;

// Add this to the `TTrayIcon.OnDoubleClick` event handler
procedure TForm1.TrayIcon1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
  { Hide the tray icon and show the window,
  setting its state property to wsNormal. }
  TrayIcon1.Visible := False;
  WindowState := wsNormal;

For the menu you get on right-click, add a TPopupMenu to your form, add the items you want on it, write the event handlers for those items as usual, and then assign the PopupMenu to the TrayIcon.PopupMenu property.

The "blurred icons" are caused by you not using the proper icon sizes and Windows being forced to scale (stretch) them. Use an icon editor to create multiple size images for each icon (there can be multiple sizes in one icon file).

like image 105
Ken White Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Ken White

I drop a TrayIcon onto myForm, then i add this simple code:

  TmyForm = class(TForm)
    TrayIcon: TTrayIcon;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure TrayIconClick(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    procedure OnMinimize(Sender:TObject);
    { Public declarations }

procedure TmyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
begin // When form is created
     Application.OnMinimize:=OnMinimize; // Set the event handler for application minimize

procedure TmyForm.OnMinimize(Sender:TObject);
begin // When application is minimized by user and/or by code
     Hide; // This is to hide it from taskbar

procedure TmyForm.TrayIconClick(Sender: TObject);
begin // When clicking on TrayIcon
     if Visible
     then begin // Application is visible, so minimize it to TrayIcon
               Application.Minimize; // This is to minimize the whole application
     else begin // Application is not visible, so show it
               Show; // This is to show it from taskbar
               Application.Restore; // This is to restore the whole application

This creates a TrayIcon allways visible, and when you click on it:

  • If the application is Visible, it will be Hidden form taskbar and from screen
  • If the application is Hidden, it will be Shown form taskbar and from screen

In other words, clicking on TrayIcon the application will change its visibility; just as minimizing it to TrayIcon bar.

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anonymous Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
