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Virus in Delphi 7




When i compile a new project in Delphi 7 IDE , the MCafee identifies it as Virus and deletes it .

The virus identified as Generic.dx!gmk and is deleted by the antivirus so no new Exe is created .

How do we resolve this issue ?

Is this a false positive ?

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Senthil Kumar B Avatar asked Jan 05 '10 14:01

Senthil Kumar B

3 Answers

Two possibilities:

  1. False positive. You could submit your app to VirusTotal to check it against other AV tools.
  2. You're infected with this virus which targets D7. This would cause Delphi to produce infected EXEs.
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Craig Stuntz Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 00:11

Craig Stuntz

It might a false positive.

One of our new developers (who is also new to Delphi) was experiencing the same thing. He renamed his "test" project and forms from the default and it stopped being picked up.

I'm guessing somebody did write a virus/trojan in Delphi using the default project and form name and the "pattern" they created made it into the AV databases.

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Catharz Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 00:11


Follow these steps to fix the problem:

  • go to /source/rtl Delphi7. There is a 'makefile' file.
  • please make a new dir called 'Lib' on it
  • enter command-line (cmd.exe); enter the keyword MAKE and ENTER key
  • it'll be recompiled the dcu files on the Lib diretory created.
  • back-up delphi7's original Lib dir
  • copy override the dcu created
  • please test application (http://www.virustotal.com/)
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joel parrella Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11

joel parrella