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Replacing a component class in delphi

I know I've seen an example somewhere of a hack to define a custom version of an existing VCL component, like TButton or TEdit, with the same class name and do something to make it so that the DFM streamer will instantiate your version instead of the original. Unfortunately, I'm in a situation where I need to be able to do that and I can't find the write-up. Does anyone know where to find information on how to accomplish this?

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Mason Wheeler Avatar asked Jan 13 '11 22:01

Mason Wheeler

1 Answers

In your form you can override the ReadState method like so:

  TMyForm = class(TForm)
    procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override;

procedure TMyForm.ReadState(Reader: TReader);
  Reader.OnFindComponentClass := FindComponentClass;

procedure TMyForm.FindComponentClass(Reader: TReader; const ClassName: string;
  var ComponentClass: TComponentClass);
  if ComponentClass=TButton then begin
    ComponentClass := TMySuperDuperButton;
  end else if ComponentClass=TEdit then begin
    ComponentClass := TMyTotallyAwesomeEdit;

There are likely numerous other ways to do this, but this is how I do it!

EDIT: Inspecting TReader.GetFieldClass(Instance: TObject; const ClassName: string) suggests the hack that Mason recalls. The first line sets ClassType := Instance.ClassType. So I suspect that by changing the declaration in the pas file from Button1: TButton to Button1: MyUnit.TButton will result in your button being created. Or perhaps the hack was to add MyUnit to the uses clause right at the end so that your version of TButton is the one that is in scope. However, none of this sounds very practical.

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David Heffernan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

David Heffernan