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Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015 - Visual Studio 2015 : Package failed

Visual Studio 2015 filed to install asp.net and web tools 2015

I tried more than one time also tried to repair Visual Studio i faced the same error.

also i tried to install the same ISO file on another machine and it worked fine

enter image description here

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Tarek Saied Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 07:03

Tarek Saied

2 Answers

What a ridiculous ordeal. I was finally able to resolve this error by manually installing the webtoolsextensionsvs14.msi using msiexec and specifying a targetdir of c:\temp. For some reason is was trying to create temp install files directly in c:\

msiexec /a webtoolsextensionsvs14.msi /qb /l* log.txt SKIP_SETUP=1 TARGETDIR= c:\temp

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Zim Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 04:03


Thank you for reporting this. I will try to help you resolve this and do have a few questions.

  1. Was this a clean installation or did you upgrade from a previous release such as RC?
  2. Have you tried to repair Visual Studio?
  3. Would you be able to share the installation logs? There should be two log files in your %temp% folder. The first file is an overall summary of the VS installation and should be have a name such as vs_professional_yyyymmddhhmmss.LOG. The second log is for the Web Tools package itself and should have a name such as vs_professional_yyyymmddhhmmss_nnn_WebToolsExtensionsVS14_1040.LOG

Thanks, Jacques

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Jacques Eloff Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 05:03

Jacques Eloff