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disable error sounds visual studio 2012

Looked for a solution but I only found 1 answer which is semi good- it is disabling the system sounds...

What I want is to disable the annoying error sounds that visual studio makes when there are errors on build. I use headphones and it is really annoying. I want to disable it, WITHOUT disabling/modifying the windows' system sounds in the control panel... is it possible??

(similar problem )

like image 260
Ziv Weissman Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 19:03

Ziv Weissman

1 Answers

Solution 1: Set the sound to none

It's in Control Panel -> Sound. Look for Microsoft Visual Studio, set the sound for Build Failed to (None).

enter image description here

Solution 2: Registry

  1. Open Registry Editor
  2. Go to the following keys and delete their values: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\devenv\VS_BuildFailed\.current HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\devenv\VS_BuildFailed\.Modified enter image description here

Solution 3: Adjust the sound volume of Visual Studio

  1. Make sure you have assigned sound for items in Microsoft Visual Studio in Control Panel -> Sound. It can be Breakpoint Hit, Build Canceled, Build Failed or Build Succeed.
  2. Purposely hit a break point or build successfully or whatever, just to force Visual Studio to make a sound. This step is required, otherwise you won't see volume control for Visual Studio in step 5.
  3. Click the speaker icon on the tray area of the taskbar.
  4. Click Mixer in the popup window.

enter image description here

  1. You will see something like the below. Adjust the volume for Microsoft Visual Studio. You can also mute just Visual Studio by clicking the speaker icon below it. enter image description here
like image 163
fxam Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 02:03
