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Breakpoint in c#

I have a problem in break points, when I insert a breakpoint and run the program, it hit the breakpoint. But the system showing me the disassembly code instead of my code, can anyone help me how to fix this? I was struggling for almost 2 hours, please help me, I am using MS.Visual Studio 2005. here is the snapshot of disassembly.

I tried to open the debug and it doesn't gave me any option to disable this, thanks in advance

enter image description here

like image 598
Wielder Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 20:03


1 Answers

Go to

Debug->Options and Settings,

uncheck the box for

Enable address-level debugging

enter image description here

like image 137
Leandro Bardelli Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 21:03

Leandro Bardelli