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Expression<Action<T>> methodCall

How do I run methodCall inside Enqueue?

public static string Enqueue<T>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Action<T>> methodCall)
   // How to run methodCall with it's parameters? 

Calling method:

Enqueue<QueueController>(x => x.SomeMethod("param1", "param2"));
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bluee Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 00:03


1 Answers

In order to achieve that you will need an instance of T so that you can invoke the method on this instance. Also your Enqueue must return a string according to your signature. So:

public static string Enqueue<T>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T, string>> methodCall)
    where T: new()
    T t = new T();
    Func<T, string> action = methodCall.Compile();
    return action(t);

As you can see I have added a generic constraint to the T parameter in order to be able to get an instance. If you are able to provide this instance from somewhere else then you could do so.


As requested in the comments section here's how to use Action<T> instead:

public static string Enqueue<T>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Action<T>> methodCall)
    where T: new()
    T t = new T();
    Action<T> action = methodCall.Compile();

    return "WHATEVER";
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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 21:03

Darin Dimitrov