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Xamarin.Droid app crash on checked "Shared runtime option"

I'm trying to debug my Xamarin Forms app on android device, but my app crashes on start after deployment, if I check "Use shared runtime" option, to be able to use breakpoints. if I uncheck "Use shared runtime", then app runs without any issues, but I'm unable to use breakpoints

here is my adb logs: http://pastebin.com/vgn2jiqh

like image 896
animekun Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 08:03


1 Answers

This is an issue I do frequently see when deploying Apps in Debug configuration (use shared runtime=true) and release configuration (use shared runtime=false).

You can resolve it by removing all shared Mono components on your device by going to Settings->Apps and then remove Mono Shared Runtime etc.

After that, redeploy in the desired configuration from Xamarin Studio.

like image 154
Johannes Rudolph Avatar answered Mar 26 '23 12:03

Johannes Rudolph