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Make Visual Studio understand CamelCase when hitting Ctrl and cursor keys

People also ask

How do I customize keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio?

On the menu bar, choose Tools > Options. Expand Environment, and then choose Keyboard. Optional: Filter the list of commands by entering all or part of the name of the command, without spaces, in the Show commands containing box. In the list, choose the command to which you want to assign a keyboard shortcut.

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Ctrl-Shift-F is used to find all the ocuurance of a string with in entire solution and display find result window as shown below. Ctrl-F is used to find a string in the current document, project and all open documents one by one.

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Ctrl+K for Removing Bookmarks Visual Studio contains a characteristic that enables users to add a bookmark. This bookmark can be added to a line of code in a solution.

Thanks to those who suggested Resharper. This gives me another reason to love it even more. Just to be specific about where this lives - JetBrains call it CamelHumps (cute) and you can switch it on using the menu:

Resharper -> Options -> Environment -> Editor -> Editor Behavior -> Use CamelHumps

... in older versions of Resharper, it is;

Resharper -> Options -> Editor -> Use CamelHumps

Anyone stumbling across this page after Nov 25, 2008 (who don't want to pay for ReSharper or CodeRush which no longer has a free version), the following free Extension adds this functionality: Subword Navigation by Olle Westman

(Alternatively, the VSTricks extension includes Sub-word Navigation in its list of nifty features. There is also a different Subword navigation extension created by Lauri Vasama not to be confused with Olle Westman's which this answer uses.)

The Subword Navigation project page states:

Look up Edit.Subword in keyboard bindings to set things up.

Here's how I set it up in Visual Studio 2019:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard

  1. Under Use new shortcut in, select Text Editor

  1. Under Show commands containing, type Edit.Subword. This should pop up an autocomplete field with the listed commands below.

  1. Select one of the following commands you want to set its shortcut keys for. Once selected, follow the rest of the numbered steps. Then come back to Step 4 to set another one.
    • Edit.SubwordNext
      • Traverses camelcases to the right [Alt + Right Arrow]
    • Edit.SubwordPrevious
      • Traverses camelcases to the left [Alt + Left Arrow]                                                             
    • Edit.SubwordNextExtend
      • Selects camelcases to the right [Alt + Shift + Right Arrow]
    • Edit.SubwordPreviousExtend
      • Selects camelcases to the left [Alt + Shift + Left Arrow]                                                              
    • Edit.SubwordDeleteNext
      • Deletes camelcases to the right [Alt + Delete]
    • Edit.SubwordDeletePrevious
      • Deletes camelcases to the left [Alt + Backspace]

Note: When assigning these Subword Navigation commands to these new shortcut keys, preserve any already-existing shortcut-key functionality you want to keep beforehand by setting them to different keys. It should not conflict with any default-installed shortcut keys.

  1. Under Press shortcut keys, press Your Shortcut Keys

  1. Click Assign and overwrite the existing shortcut

If you have ReSharper installed you can also configure Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts "Alt-Right" and "Alt-Left" for CamelHump, without losing standard Visual Studio behaviour for "ctrl-right" and "ctrl-left".

  1. Open the Visual Studio Options window from Tools –> Options
  2. Expand Environment and scroll down to Keyboard
  3. In Show commands containing box, type "hump". This will show all commands related to CamelHumps. CamelHumps
  4. Map the commands to the key mappings you wish by selecting the command from the list and entering the key mapping in the Press shortcut keys textbox, then click Assign.


  • Assign the mappings for Text Editor, not Global.
  • Make sure the Use CamelHumps option from Resharper -> Options -> Editor -> Editor Behaviour is turned off.

Details here: http://davidrcook.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/working-with-camel-case-in-visual-studio/

It's not native to Visual Studio, but you can get it for free using CodeRush Express. (ReSharper and CodeRush require payment).