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How do I set the path to a DLL file in Visual Studio?

People also ask

How do I link a DLL in Visual Studio?

On Windows you do not link with a . dll file directly – you must use the accompanying . lib file instead. To do that go to Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Additional Dependencies and add path to your .

What is a DLL path?

A system can contain multiple versions of the same dynamic-link library (DLL). Applications can control the location from which a DLL is loaded by specifying a full path or using another mechanism such as a manifest. If these methods are not used, the system searches for the DLL at load time as described in this topic.

How do I open a DLL file in Visual Studio?

You can easily open a DLL file in Visual Studio the same way you would any other file. To do so, click File in the menu bar at the top, followed by Open. Then click File and select the DLL file you want to open and click Open. This will open the DLL file in a new Resource Editor window.

  1. Go to project properties (Alt+F7)
  2. Under Debugging, look to the right
  3. There's an Environment field.
  4. Add your relative path there (relative to vcproj folder) i.e. ..\some-framework\lib by appending PATH=%PATH%;$(ProjectDir)\some-framework\lib or prepending to the path PATH=C:\some-framework\lib;%PATH%
  5. Hit F5 (debug) again and it should work.

Go through project properties -> Reference Paths

Then add folder with DLL's

The search path that the loader uses when you call LoadLibrary() can be altered by using the SetDllDirectory() function. So you could just call this and add the path to your dependency before you load it.

See also DLL Search Order.

Another possibility would be to set the Working Directory under the debugging options to be the directory that has that DLL.

Edit: I was going to mention using a batch file to start Visual Studio (and set the PATH variable in the batch file). So then did a bit of searching and see that this exact same question was asked not long ago in this post. The answer suggests the batch file option as well as project settings that apparently may do the job (I did not test it).

In your Project properties(Right click on project, click on property button) ▶ Configuration Properties ▶ Build Events ▶ Post Build Events ▶ Command Line.

Edit and add one instruction to command line. for example copy botan.dll from source path to location where is being executed the program.

copy /Y "$(SolutionDir)ProjectDirs\x64\Botan\lib\botan.dll" "$(TargetDir)"

Project Properties