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Visual Studio 2010 IntelliSense doesn't select a default value - it just marks it

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How do I enable IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2010?

1) Use the Tools->Options menu command, select the Text Editor->C# settings, and then check the two circled check boxes above (Auto-list members and Parameter information). IntelliSense will then be turned on and work fine.

How do I change autocomplete in Visual Studio?

Go to Tools | Options | Text Editor | C/C++. This dialog displays a window that allows you to toggle Automatic brace completion.

How do I use IntelliSense in Visual Studio?

You can trigger IntelliSense in any editor window by typing Ctrl+Space or by typing a trigger character (such as the dot character (.) in JavaScript). Tip: The suggestions widget supports CamelCase filtering, meaning you can type the letters which are upper cased in a method name to limit the suggestions.

How do I disable IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2010?

It's actually easy for most languages: Select Tools/Options on the menu. On the Options dialog box, select Text Editor, then select the language you use, then select "General". Uncheck "Auto list members" and "Parameter completion".

Try Ctrl-Alt-Space.

found that on Connect, and seems to work for me

It can also be changed by going to Edit -> IntelliSense -> ToggleCompletionMode

I had the same problem, but find pressing TAB always selects the default selection.

For completeness, this option has a toggle button up on the toolbar:

Toggle Completion Mode toolbar button

Its visual status will tell you which completion mode is currently selected.