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Visual Studio window which shows list of methods

People also ask

Where is the method in Visual Studio?

Try Alt + F12 in Visual Studio 2010. It opens up the Find Symbol dialogue which allows you to search for methods, classes, etc.

Which window of Visual Studio IDE presents a hierarchical list of files of a project?

Call Hierarchy window (Visual Basic, C#, C++) The Call Hierarchy window shows where a given method or property is called. It also lists the methods that are called from that method.

How do I show the code window in Visual Studio?

You can open a Code window from: The Project window, by selecting a form or module, and choosing the View Code button. A UserForm window, by double-clicking a control or form, choosing Code from the View menu, or pressing F7.

There's a drop down just above the code window:

alt text

It's called Navigation bar and contains three drop downs: first drop down contains project, second type and third members (methods).

You can use the shortcut Ctrl + F2 (move focus to the project drop down) and press Tab twice (move focus to the third drop down) to focus it, down arrow will expand the list.

Full size image

I found how to turn the drop down on as shown in the first answer (@ChrisF):

Go to Options->Text Editor->(your language)

and tick "Navigation bar" in the display section.

Since Visual Studio 2012, you can view the outline ( fields and methods) in the solution explorer by expanding the node corresponding to your file .

Shortcut to Navigation Bar is Ctrl+F2. Takes you to the types dropdown first. Press tab to go to method dropdown, and then enter on a method to go to that one.

ReSharper has a 'ReSharper | Windows | File Structure' window, which is used for visualizing current code file structure.

Resharper has the File Structure window which is very similar to eclipse outline view. Originally answered in:

Visual Studio 2012: List of all Methods in class

Resharper help: http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/webhelp/Reference__Windows__File_Structure_Window.html

Screen shot of File Structure window

Despite it's an old question maybe this answer help you as helped me.

you can download codemaid extension from here : codemaid website

it has a lot of functionality that you may find in their website.

the one that is related to this question is code digging

Visualize and navigate through the contents of your C# and C++ files from a tree view hierarchy. Quickly switch between different sorting methods to get a better overview. Drag and drop to reorganize the code. See McCabe complexity scores and informative tool tips.

in other words it give you ability to see the methods and properties and also reorganize them just with drag and drop. it's my everyday use extension