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How do I re-open the Visual Studio Immediate Window?

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How do I open a Visual Studio Immediate window?

Execute a function at design timeOn the Debug menu, choose Windows > Immediate.

Which function key is used to switch from program window to immediate window?

From the View menu, choose Immediate window (CTRL+G).

What is difference between immediate window and window?

The differences between the Command and Immediate windowsThe Command window can load dlls or packages into the IDE as well. The Immediate window, on the other hand, is solely used during debugging and is useful to execute statements, print values of a contextual variable, or even evaluate expressions.

How do I open a Locals window in Visual Studio?

To open the Locals window, while debugging, select Debug > Windows > Locals, or press Alt+4.

To get the immediate window back you can go to Debug --> Windows --> Immediate or you can use CtrlAltI either will work to get it back.

If you can not see Immediate Window In Debug -> Windows menu:

  1. From the menu bar, go to View > Other Windows > Command Window
  2. Type and execute immed command

In addition to what previously was mentioned by @sansa and @Mark Hall, you can also use Quick Launch:

  • Press Ctrl + Q to focus on Quick Launch text box.
  • Type Immediate then choose the item that appears: Debug -> Windows -> Immediate (Ctrl + Alt + l)

Update: For more information on Quick Launch you can check it here