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"Add as Link" for folders in Visual Studio projects

As this blogpost stated, it is possible.

    <Compile Include="any_abs_or_rel_path\**\*.*">

But be aware, the files will not be copied.

In VS2012 and later, you can drag a folder to another project with alt key pressed. It's just the same as adding each file as link manually but faster.

upd: Consider using Shared Projects if you are using VS2013 update 2 (with Shared Project Reference Manager) or VS2015.

One addition to the answer from mo. and the comment from Marcus, if you are linking content items you will need to include the file extension:

  <Compile Include="any_abs_or_rel_path\**\*.*">

Regarding the part of the original query to have a linked folder appear in the IDE, it is kind of possible to achieve this so there is a folder in the solution explorer with all linked files inside, instead of all the files appearing in the root of the solution. To achieve this, include the addition:

    <Compile Include="..\anypath\**\*.*">

This will include all files from the linked directory in a new folder in the solution explorer called MyData. The 'A' in the code above can be called anything but must be there in order for the folder to appear.

If you want to add a folder as a reference and you don't want to compile it, use:

<Content Include="any_path\**\*.*">