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Change language of Visual Studio 2017 RC

I have installed Visual Studio 2017 RC, and by default it set language to my system language (Polish) so I was trying to change it to EN but in Options > Environment > International Settings i have only Polish language. There is link to "download more languages", and it redirects to: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ And there I can only find language packs for VS 15. Anyone know where I can find EN language pack for VS 17 RC?

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Carlos28 Avatar asked Nov 20 '16 20:11


People also ask

How do I change the language on Visual Studio to English?

Changing the Display Language# You can also override the default UI language by explicitly setting the VS Code display language using the Configure Display Language command. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the Command Palette then start typing "display" to filter and display the Configure Display Language command.

How do I change the language on Visual Studio?

You can change the menu language in the Visual Studio options. 1. Select the Options command in the Tools menu and Environment > International Settings in the options dialog which then opens. The Language area displays the languages (in this case German, English).

2 Answers

You can only install a language pack at install time in VS 2017 RC. To install RC with a different language:

  1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
  2. Find an addition under "Available" and click Install
  3. Click on the "Language packs" tab and select a language

enter image description here

You can have multiple instances of VS 2017 side by side so this shouldn't interfere with your other installation.

Disclosure: I work on Visual Studio at Microsoft.

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Michael Braude Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

Michael Braude

  1. Go to Tools -> Options
  2. Select International Settings in Environment and on the right side of a screen you should see a combo with the list of installed language packages. (so in my case Czech, English and same as on MS Windows )
  3. Click on Ok

You have to restart Visual Studio to see the change...

If you are polish (and got polish language settings)

  1. Narzędzia -> Opcje
  2. Ustawienia międzynarodowe in Środowisko

Hope this helps! Have a great time in Poland!

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Petr Havlát Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Petr Havlát