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How to set conditional breakpoints in Visual Studio?

People also ask

How do I add a conditional breakpoint in Visual Studio code?

In short, right click on an existing breakpoint and select "Edit breakpoint", or right click on the breakpoint margin and select "Add conditional breakpoint".

What is a conditional breakpoint?

Conditional breakpoints allow you to break inside a code block when a defined expression evaluates to true. Conditional breakpoints highlight as orange instead of blue. Add a conditional breakpoint by right clicking a line number, selecting Add Conditional Breakpoint , and entering an expression.

How do you set a conditional breakpoint in WinDbg?

Conditional Breakpoints in WinDbg In WinDbg, you can create a conditional breakpoint by clicking Breakpoints from the Edit menu, entering a new breakpoint address into the Command box, and entering a condition into the Condition box.

How do I add a breakpoint to all methods in visual studio?

Press F3 and then press F9 to add a breakpoint.

Set a breakpoint as usual. Right click it. Click Condition.

When you are using Express edition you can try this:

    if( fooVariable == true )

if statement makes sure that in release build breakepoint will not be present.

Visual Studio provides lots of options for conditional breakpoints:

To set any of these you

  1. Set a breakpoint.
  2. Right-Click over the breakpoint, and in the popup menu you select an option that suites you.

These options are as follows:

  • You can set a condition, based on a code expression that you supply (select Condition from the popup menu). For instance, you can specify that foo == 8 or some other expression.
  • You can make breakpoints trigger after they have been hit a certain number of times. (select Hit Count from the popup menu). This is a fun option to play with as you actually aren't limited to breaking on a certain hit count, but you have options for a few other scenarios as well. I'll leave it to you to explore the possibilities.
  • You can Set filters on the Process ID, thread ID, and machine name (select Filter from the popup menu)

Just another way of doing it, (or if you are using express) add the condition in code:
