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Make sure your project build settings are generating a dSYM file. DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT should be set to dwarf-with-dsym for all configurations

People also ask

What is DWARF with dSYM file?

DWARF with dSYM means that after you build your executable, a dSYM debug information file will be linked using a tool named dsymutil . dsymutil gets run after your executable is linked to parse the debug map in the main executable and produce a dSYM file with all of the debug information.

Where is the dSYM file located?

dSYM file automatically for you when you use the Archive option. The created archive contains your app and its dSYM and is stored in ~/Library/Developer/xcode/Archives .

The below solution worked for me ,i hope it will help you.

Goto build setting of your project then Search for debug information format in build setting and search for "Debug information format" then set "Debug information format" to "DWARF with dSYM file"

enter image description here

and make sure Generate debug symbol in build setting is set to Yes.

Check for true "run script only when installing" on Run Script

Elaborating Bruno's response, if you already have a script phase that you need to run all the time, create a new dedicated phase in order to avoid conflicts. enter image description here