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Logstash creates enormous local log files and (although it sends then to Elasticsearch)

The problem

I have a machine with logstash on it, and another Elasticsearch-Kibana machine which stores the logs written from logstash on the first machine. Naturally, I want no logs to be kept on the origin machine and handle logging only on the Elasticsearch cluster.

Unfortunately, logstash creates huge log files on the first machine (where nothing should be kept):

enter image description here

The configuration

I have only one file under /etc/logstash on the origin machine, and as far as I can see, the configuration does not specify a local output:

input {
        tcp {
                port => 5959
                codec => json
        udp {
                port => 5959
        source => "message"
        if [@message] == "Incoming Event" {
                    add_field => {
                              "location" =>  "%{@fields[location]}"
output {
        elasticsearch {
                # The host in which elasticsearch and Kibana live
                host => "some.internal.aws.ip" 

How can I stop logstash from writing local logs by configuration? I know I can cron-del them, but I think that prevention is less error-prone.

like image 404
Adam Matan Avatar asked Oct 26 '15 11:10

Adam Matan

2 Answers

I had the same problem as you running on a CentOS 7 machine. No output to anything else than elasticsearch but logstash still output all the incoming messages to logstash.log and logstash.stdout

After a bit of research of the actual ruby-code it turned out that the default logging mode is very verbose.

There is however a flag (seems to be undocumented as far as I can see) called --quiet which solves the problem.

Add the flag to the LS_OPTS-variable either in the config file (/etc/sysconfig/logstash on centos) or directly in the init.d script like so:

# Arguments to pass to logstash agent
like image 188
Peter Lamperud Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Peter Lamperud

This output is likely caused by having the following in one of your output config files:

stdout { codec => rubydebug }

After removing that from my 30-output.conf logstash stopped being so verbose

This thread led me to the answer.

like image 27
Realistic Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
