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What is the role of Logstash Shipper and Logstash Indexer in ELK stack?


ElasticSearch Java RestClient - listener timeout after waiting f or [30000] ms

Log level as a field for Docker GELF logging driver

Elasticsearch match multiple fields with AND operator not working

ELK: Setup multiple http inputs of logstash ELK stack

How I can get authentication token or do loging in Elastic Search using REST API? For example from POSTMAN

Debugging Filebeat in the ELK stack

How to get logs and it's data having word "error" in then and how to configure logstashPipeLine.conf file for the same?

Access Control in Elastic - missing authentication credentials for REST request

Field [] used in expression does not exist in mappings

logstash is throwing exception template file not found

Elasticsearch: restart node after java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space