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html directory listing formatting

So, I've been trying to get a web page to display links to videos (over a symbolic link) dynamically (i.e., without hardcoding an <a></a> tag for each one) I have, and I think I may have found a solution, albeit a hacky one:

<a href="./Video/">Video</a>

Ignoring that this is a horrible way to do this, does anyone know how to format the following?:

enter image description here

I'm guessing there is an apache config file somewhere, but it is extremely hard to search for it as I do not know what it is called when files are just listed in this manner.

i'm basically looking to resize the widths of columns, and maybe even do some pretty-fication.

this is all running on my web/file server and is being accessed form my local machine.

like image 843
Drake Avatar asked Dec 06 '12 04:12


People also ask

How do you list directories in HTML?

Use the dir tag in HTML to display directory list. This is very similar to <ul> tag but do not use <dir> since it is deprecated now.

What is a directory listing?

Directory listings A directory listing is a type of Web page that lists files and directories that exist on a Web server.

1 Answers

This is what you're looking for: http://perishablepress.com/better-default-directory-views-with-htaccess/

This tutorial details how directory listing by Apache can be modified to suit your taste using HTAccess file.

Using Apache HeaderName and ReadmeName directives and the module "mod_autoindex.c" you can add custom markup to your directory listing pages.

like image 176
adeelx Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
