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Linear Algebra usage in programming [closed]

I am starting to learn Linear Algebra but it is has been very mathematical and I don't know its actual usage in programming. I heard it is a very useful subject for movements(animate) and graphics. I thought I could make my learning process for linear algebra more fun if I could learn it from its application through programming. That's learn through the practical way and not just working out on paper.

Since I am still learning the very basics of linear algebra, I am thinking where and how are basic concepts of linear algebra used in programming? What kind of interesting things could be done with basic knowledge of linear algebra such as row-echelon form, LU deposition, linear combination/system, etc. Any tutorials on any languages such as Java, Actionscript, PHP or others teaching the usage of basic linear algebra concepts to create interesting simple things?


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Carven Avatar asked Jun 19 '11 09:06


People also ask

Is linear algebra useful in programming?

Linear algebra provides concepts that are crucial to many areas of computer science, including graphics, image processing, cryptography, machine learning, computer vision, optimization, graph algorithms, quantum computation, computational biology, information retrieval and web search.

How is linear algebra used in linear programming?

If linear algebra grew out of the solution of systems of linear equations, then linear programming grew out of attempts to solve systems of linear inequalities, allowing one to optimise linear functions subject to constraints expressed as inequalities.

What are real life applications of linear algebra?

Linear algebra plays an important role to determine unknown quantities. The real-life applications of linear algebra are: For calculation of speed, distance, or time. Used for projecting a three-dimensional view into a two-dimensional plane, handled by linear maps.

How is linear algebra used in cryptography?

The matrix can represent an entire alphabet and its encrypted counterpart. Thus, linear algebra serves as a tool to manipulate simple shift ciphers, and more generally, affine ciphers, which multiply some integer k by y as well as perform a shift l (ky+l=x).

1 Answers

Matrices and their transformations are used for positioning, rotating and scaling elements in Flash, IOS and Android. Check out transformation matrix wiki, android api, and a cool flash tutorial

like image 148
Mridul Kashatria Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Mridul Kashatria