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Solving a system of linear equations in a non-square matrix [closed]

I have a system of linear equations that make up an NxM matrix (i.e. Non-square) which I need to solve - or at least attempt to solve in order to show that there is no solution to the system. (more likely than not, there will be no solution)

As I understand it, if my matrix is not square (over or under-determined), then no exact solution can be found - am I correct in thinking this? Is there a way to transform my matrix into a square matrix in order to calculate the determinate, apply Gaussian Elimination, Cramer's rule, etc?

It may be worth mentioning that the coefficients of my unknowns may be zero, so in certain, rare cases it would be possible to have a zero-column or zero-row.

like image 807
DAVco Avatar asked Oct 25 '11 17:10


2 Answers

Whether or not your matrix is square is not what determines the solution space. It is the rank of the matrix compared to the number of columns that determines that (see the rank-nullity theorem). In general you can have zero, one or an infinite number of solutions to a linear system of equations, depending on its rank and nullity relationship.

To answer your question, however, you can use Gaussian elimination to find the rank of the matrix and, if this indicates that solutions exist, find a particular solution x0 and the nullspace Null(A) of the matrix. Then, you can describe all your solutions as x = x0 + xn, where xn represents any element of Null(A). For example, if a matrix is full rank its nullspace will be empty and the linear system will have at most one solution. If its rank is also equal to the number of rows, then you have one unique solution. If the nullspace is of dimension one, then your solution will be a line that passes through x0, any point on that line satisfying the linear equations.

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vlsd Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 06:09


Ok, first off: a non-square system of equations can have an exact solution

[ 1 0 0 ][x] = [1]
[ 0 0 1 ][y]   [1]

clearly has a solution (actually, it has an 1-dimensional family of solutions: x=z=1). Even if the system is overdetermined instead of underdetermined it may still have a solution:

[ 1 0 ][x] = [1]
[ 0 1 ][y]   [1]
[ 1 1 ]      [2]

(x=y=1). You may want to start by looking at least squares solution methods, which find the exact solution if one exists, and "the best" approximate solution (in some sense) if one does not.

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Stephen Canon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Stephen Canon