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Lazy Evaluation and Time Complexity

I was looking around stackoverflow Non-Trivial Lazy Evaluation, which led me to Keegan McAllister's presentation: Why learn Haskell. In slide 8, he shows the minimum function, defined as:

minimum = head . sort 

and states that its complexity is O(n). I don't understand why the complexity is said to be linear if sorting by replacement is O(nlog n). The sorting referred in the post can't be linear, as it does not assume anything about the data, as it would be required by linear sorting methods, such as counting sort.

Is lazy evaluation playing a mysterious role in here? If so, what is the explanation behind it?

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leco Avatar asked Aug 21 '12 14:08


People also ask

Are lazy evaluations faster?

Lazy evaluation is not, in general, faster.

What are some potential disadvantages of lazy evaluation?

Lazy Evaluation − Drawbacks It forces the language runtime to hold the evaluation of sub-expressions until it is required in the final result by creating thunks (delayed objects). Sometimes it increases space complexity of an algorithm.

What is lazy evaluation?

In programming language theory, lazy evaluation, or call-by-need, is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed (non-strict evaluation) and which also avoids repeated evaluations (sharing).

Is lazy evaluation always better?

Lazy evaluation's is not always better. The performance benefits of lazy evaluation can be great, but it is not hard to avoid most unnecessary evaluation in eager environments- surely lazy makes it easy and complete, but rarely is unnecessary evaluation in code a major problem.

2 Answers

In minimum = head . sort, the sort won't be done fully, because it won't be done upfront. The sort will only be done as much as needed to produce the very first element, demanded by head.

In e.g. mergesort, at first n numbers of the list will be compared pairwise, then the winners will be paired up and compared (n/2 numbers), then the new winners (n/4), etc. In all, O(n) comparisons to produce the minimal element.

mergesortBy less [] = [] mergesortBy less xs = head $ until (null.tail) pairs [[x] | x <- xs]   where     pairs (x:y:t) = merge x y : pairs t     pairs xs      = xs     merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | less y x  = y : merge (x:xs) ys                         | otherwise = x : merge  xs (y:ys)     merge  xs     []                = xs     merge  []     ys                = ys 

The above code can be augmented to tag each number it produces with a number of comparisons that went into its production:

mgsort xs = go $ map ((,) 0) xs  where   go [] = []   go xs = head $ until (null.tail) pairs [[x] | x <- xs]   where     ....     merge ((a,b):xs) ((c,d):ys)              | (d < b)   = (a+c+1,d) : merge ((a+1,b):xs) ys    -- cumulative             | otherwise = (a+c+1,b) : merge  xs ((c+1,d):ys)   --   cost     ....  g n = concat [[a,b] | (a,b) <- zip [1,3..n] [n,n-2..1]]   -- a little scrambler 

Running it for several list lengths we see that it is indeed ~ n:

*Main> map (fst . head . mgsort . g) [10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 1600] [9,19,39,79,159,1599] 

To see whether the sorting code itself is ~ n log n, we change it so that each produced number carries along just its own cost, and the total cost is then found by summation over the whole sorted list:

    merge ((a,b):xs) ((c,d):ys)              | (d < b)   = (c+1,d) : merge ((a+1,b):xs) ys      -- individual             | otherwise = (a+1,b) : merge  xs ((c+1,d):ys)     --   cost 

Here are the results for lists of various lengths,

*Main> let xs = map (sum . map fst . mgsort . g) [20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640] [138,342,810,1866,4218,9402]  *Main> map (logBase 2) $ zipWith (/) (tail xs) xs [1.309328,1.2439256,1.2039552,1.1766101,1.1564085] 

The above shows empirical orders of growth for increasing lengths of list, n, which are rapidly diminishing as is typically exhibited by ~ n log n computations. See also this blog post. Here's a quick correlation check:

*Main> let xs = [n*log n | n<- [20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640]] in                                      map (logBase 2) $ zipWith (/) (tail xs) xs [1.3002739,1.2484156,1.211859,1.1846942,1.1637106] 

edit: Lazy evaluation can metaphorically be seen as kind of producer/consumer idiom1, with independent memoizing storage as an intermediary. Any productive definition we write, defines a producer which will produce its output, bit by bit, as and when demanded by its consumer(s) - but not sooner. Whatever is produced is memoized, so that if another consumer consumes same output at different pace, it accesses same storage, filled previously.

When no more consumers remain that refer to a piece of storage, it gets garbage collected. Sometimes with optimizations compiler is able to do away with the intermediate storage completely, cutting the middle man out.

1 see also: Simple Generators v. Lazy Evaluation by Oleg Kiselyov, Simon Peyton-Jones and Amr Sabry.

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Will Ness Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Will Ness

Suppose minimum' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> (a, [a]) is a function that returns the smallest element in a list along with the list with that element removed. Clearly this can be done in O(n) time. If you then define sort as

sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] sort xs = xmin:(sort xs')     where       (xmin, xs') = minimum' xs 

then lazy evaluation means that in (head . sort) xs only the first element is ever computed. This element is, as you see, simply (the first element of) the pair minimum' xs, which is computed in O(n) time.

Of course, as delnan points out, the complexity depends on the implementation of sort.

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gspr Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09
