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Performance issue: Java vs C++

I have always heard that C++ was way more efficient than Java (and that is why most games are developed in C++).

I wrote a small algorithm to solve the "Eight queens puzzle" in both Java and C++, using the exact same algorithm, and then started to raise the number or squares. When reaching checkboards of 20*20 or even 22*22, it appears Java is much more effective (3 seconds vs 66 seconds for C++).

I have no idea why, but I am pretty beginning with C++, so it is possible I made some huge performance mistakes, so I will gladly accept any information that would help me understand what is happening.

Below is the code I use in Java:

import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;  public class HuitDames {      /**      * La liste des coordnnées des dames.      */     private static List<Point> positions = new ArrayList<>();      /**      * Largeur de la grille.      */     private static final int LARGEUR_GRILLE = 22;       /**      * @param args the command line arguments      */     public static void main(String[] args) {         int i = 1;         placerDame(i);         for (Point point : positions) {             System.out.println("(" + point.x + "; " + point.y + ")");         }     }      /**      * Place une dame et return true si la position est bonne.      * @param i le numéro de la dame.      * @return si la position est bonne.      */     private static boolean placerDame(int i) {          boolean bonnePosition = false;         for (int j = 1; j <= LARGEUR_GRILLE && bonnePosition == false; j++) {             Point emplacement = new Point(i, j);             positions.add(emplacement);             if (verifierPrise(emplacement) && (i == LARGEUR_GRILLE || placerDame(i + 1))) {                 bonnePosition = true;             }             else {                 positions.remove(i - 1);             }         }          return bonnePosition;     }      /**      * Vérifie que la nouvelle position n'est pas en prise avec une position déjà présente.      * @param position la position de la nouvelle dame.      * @return Si la position convient par rapport aux positions des autres dames.      */     private static boolean verifierPrise(Point position) {         boolean nonPrise = true;         for (Point point : positions) {             if (!point.equals(position)) {                 // Cas où sur la même colonne.                 if (position.y == point.y) {                     nonPrise = false;                 }                 // Cas où sur même diagonale.                 if (Math.abs(position.y - point.y) == Math.abs(position.x - point.x)) {                     nonPrise = false;                 }             }         }          return nonPrise;     } } 

And below is the code in C++:

#include <iostream> #include <list> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h>  using namespace std;   // Class to represent points. class Point {      private:         double xval, yval;      public:         // Constructor uses default arguments to allow calling with zero, one,         // or two values.         Point(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0) {                 xval = x;                 yval = y;         }          // Extractors.         double x() { return xval; }         double y() { return yval; } };  #define LARGEUR_GRILLE 22 list<Point> positions;   bool verifierNonPrise(Point emplacement) {     bool nonPrise = true;     for (list<Point>::iterator it = positions.begin(); it!= positions.end(); it++) {         if (it->x() != emplacement.x()) {             if (it->y() == emplacement.y()) {                 nonPrise = false;             }             if (abs(it->y() - emplacement.y()) == abs(it->x() - emplacement.x())) {                 nonPrise = false;             }         }     }      return nonPrise; }  bool placerDame(int i) {     bool bonnePosition = false;     for (int j = 1; j <= LARGEUR_GRILLE && !bonnePosition; j++) {         Point emplacement(i,j);         positions.push_back(emplacement);         if (verifierNonPrise(emplacement) && (i == LARGEUR_GRILLE || placerDame(i + 1))) {             bonnePosition = true;         }         else {             positions.pop_back();         }     }      return bonnePosition; }  int main() {     int i = 1;     placerDame(i);     for (list<Point>::iterator it = positions.begin(); it!= positions.end(); it++) {         cout << "(" << it->x() << "; " << it->y() << ")" << endl;     }     return 0; } 
like image 421
realUser404 Avatar asked Jul 23 '14 15:07


People also ask

Does C run faster than Java?

C is normally faster than Java, if it is written efficiently, but it always depends on the compiler. Some compilers support optimization on the compile time, to produce more efficient code, by removing redundant code and other unnecessary artefacts.

Why is Java slower than C?

Java uses a LOT more memory than C, and if your application is memory bound or memory bandwidth bound (caching, etc.) this makes it slower. The flipside is that allocation/deallocation is blazing fast (highly optimized).

Is Java faster or slower than C++?

The Byte code makes it a platform-Independent language. This is the advantage of Java. It makes the execution of programs slower than C++ program because there are no middle operations that occur for execution and compilation like Java in C++.

Why is C C++ faster than Java?

In contrast, a program written in C++ gets compiled directly into machine code -- without an intermediary translation required at runtime. This is one reason why C++ programs tend to perform faster than those written in Java.

1 Answers

std::list in C++ is a linked list, whereas java.util.ArrayList is an array. Try replacing std::list by std::vector. Also, be sure to compile with optimization turned on.

like image 61
Brian Bi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Brian Bi