As known CPU is pipeline, and it works most efficiently if the sequence of commands independent from each other - this known as ILP (Instruction-Level Parallelism):
But is there a really working example which showing the benefits of ILP, at least syntetic example, for CPU x86_64 (but for the same amount of cmp
in both cases)?
I will write the following example - add up all the elements of the array, but it does not show any advantages of ILP:
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i += 8) {
result += arr[i+0] + arr[i+1] +
arr[i+2] + arr[i+3] +
arr[i+4] + arr[i+5] +
arr[i+6] + arr[i+7];
register unsigned int v0, v1, v2, v3;
v0 = v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i += 8) {
v0 += arr[i+0] + arr[i+1];
v1 += arr[i+2] + arr[i+3];
v2 += arr[i+4] + arr[i+5];
v3 += arr[i+6] + arr[i+7];
result = v0+v1+v2+v3;
seq: 0.100000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.110000 sec, faster 0.909091 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.100000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.100000 sec, faster 1.000000 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.100000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.110000 sec, faster 0.909091 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.100000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.100000 sec, faster 1.000000 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.110000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.110000 sec, faster 1.000000 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.100000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.110000 sec, faster 0.909091 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.100000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.110000 sec, faster 0.909091 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.110000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.100000 sec, faster 1.100000 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.110000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.100000 sec, faster 1.100000 X, res: 1000000000
seq: 0.110000 sec, res: 1000000000, ipl: 0.120000 sec, faster 0.916667 X, res: 1000000000
faster AVG: 0.975303
ILP even a little slower than Sequential.
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
// create and init array
const size_t arr_size = 100000000;
unsigned int *arr = (unsigned int*) malloc(arr_size * sizeof(unsigned int));
size_t i, k;
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; ++i)
arr[i] = 10;
unsigned int result = 0;
clock_t start, end;
const int c_iterations = 10; // iterations of experiment
float faster_avg = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
for(k = 0; k < c_iterations; ++k) {
result = 0;
// Sequential
start = clock();
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i += 8) {
result += arr[i+0] + arr[i+1] +
arr[i+2] + arr[i+3] +
arr[i+4] + arr[i+5] +
arr[i+6] + arr[i+7];
end = clock();
const float c_time_seq = (float)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("seq: %f sec, res: %u, ", c_time_seq, result);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
result = 0;
// IPL-optimization
start = clock();
register unsigned int v0, v1, v2, v3;
v0 = v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
for(i = 0; i < arr_size; i += 8) {
v0 += arr[i+0] + arr[i+1];
v1 += arr[i+2] + arr[i+3];
v2 += arr[i+4] + arr[i+5];
v3 += arr[i+6] + arr[i+7];
result = v0+v1+v2+v3;
end = clock();
const float c_time_ipl = (float)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
const float c_faster = c_time_seq/c_time_ipl;
printf("ipl: %f sec, faster %f X, res: %u \n", c_time_ipl, c_faster, result);
faster_avg += c_faster;
faster_avg = faster_avg/c_iterations;
printf("faster AVG: %f \n", faster_avg);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < arr_size; i += 8) {
result += arr[i + 0] + arr[i + 1] +
arr[i + 2] + arr[i + 3] +
arr[i + 4] + arr[i + 5] +
arr[i + 6] + arr[i + 7];
000000013F131080 mov ecx,dword ptr [rdx-18h]
000000013F131083 lea rdx,[rdx+20h]
000000013F131087 add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-34h]
000000013F13108A add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-30h]
000000013F13108D add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-2Ch]
000000013F131090 add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-28h]
000000013F131093 add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-24h]
000000013F131096 add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-1Ch]
000000013F131099 add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-20h]
000000013F13109C add edi,ecx
000000013F13109E dec r8
000000013F1310A1 jne main+80h (013F131080h)
for (i = 0; i < arr_size; i += 8) {
v0 += arr[i + 0] + arr[i + 1];
000000013F1310F0 mov ecx,dword ptr [rdx-0Ch]
v1 += arr[i + 2] + arr[i + 3];
v2 += arr[i + 4] + arr[i + 5];
000000013F1310F3 mov eax,dword ptr [rdx+8]
000000013F1310F6 lea rdx,[rdx+20h]
000000013F1310FA add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-28h]
000000013F1310FD add eax,dword ptr [rdx-1Ch]
000000013F131100 add ebp,ecx
000000013F131102 mov ecx,dword ptr [rdx-24h]
000000013F131105 add ebx,eax
000000013F131107 add ecx,dword ptr [rdx-20h]
v3 += arr[i + 6] + arr[i + 7];
000000013F13110A mov eax,dword ptr [rdx-10h]
v3 += arr[i + 6] + arr[i + 7];
000000013F13110D add eax,dword ptr [rdx-14h]
000000013F131110 add esi,ecx
000000013F131112 add edi,eax
000000013F131114 dec r8
000000013F131117 jne main+0F0h (013F1310F0h)
result = v0 + v1 + v2 + v3;
Compiler command line:
/GS /GL /W3 /Gy /Zc:wchar_t /Zi /Gm- /O2 /Ob2 /sdl /Fd"x64\Release\vc120.pdb" /fp:precise /D "_MBCS" /errorReport:prompt /WX- /Zc:forScope /Gd /Oi /MT /Fa"x64\Release\" /EHsc /nologo /Fo"x64\Release\" /Ot /Fp"x64\Release\IPL_reduce_test.pch"
Additional Notes to the answer:
The simple example which showing the benefits of ILP between Unroll-loop and Unroll-loop+ILP for array of 50000000 double elements:
faster AVG: 1.152778
which then adds to the result xmm6
, i.e. can be used Register renaming:result += arr[i + 0] + arr[i + 1] + arr[i + 2] + arr[i + 3] +
arr[i + 4] + arr[i + 5] + arr[i + 6] + arr[i + 7];
000000013FBA1090 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-10h]
000000013FBA1095 add rcx,40h
000000013FBA1099 addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-48h]
000000013FBA109E addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-40h]
000000013FBA10A3 addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-38h]
000000013FBA10A8 addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-30h]
000000013FBA10AD addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-28h]
000000013FBA10B2 addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-20h]
000000013FBA10B7 addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx-18h]
000000013FBA10BC addsd xmm6,xmm0
000000013FBA10C0 dec rdx
000000013FBA10C3 jne main+90h (013FBA1090h)
, i.e. can not be used Register renaming: result += arr[i + 0];
000000013FFC1090 addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-10h]
000000013FFC1095 add rcx,40h
result += arr[i + 1];
000000013FFC1099 addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-48h]
result += arr[i + 2];
000000013FFC109E addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-40h]
result += arr[i + 3];
000000013FFC10A3 addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-38h]
result += arr[i + 4];
000000013FFC10A8 addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-30h]
result += arr[i + 5];
000000013FFC10AD addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-28h]
result += arr[i + 6];
000000013FFC10B2 addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-20h]
result += arr[i + 7];
000000013FFC10B7 addsd xmm6,mmword ptr [rcx-18h]
000000013FFC10BC dec rdx
000000013FFC10BF jne main+90h (013FFC1090h)
On most Intel processors, it takes 3 cycles to do a floating-point add. But it can sustain up to 1/cycle if they are independent.
We can easily demonstrate ILP by putting a floating-point add on the critical path.
Make sure that the compiler does not do unsafe floating-point optimizations.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <time.h>
const int iterations = 1000000000;
double sequential(){
double a = 2.3;
double result = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < iterations; c += 4){
// Every add depends on the previous add. No ILP is possible.
result += a;
result += a;
result += a;
result += a;
return result;
double optimized(){
double a = 2.3;
double result0 = 0;
double result1 = 0;
double result2 = 0;
double result3 = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < iterations; c += 4){
// 4 independent adds. Up to 4 adds can be run in parallel.
result0 += a;
result1 += a;
result2 += a;
result3 += a;
return result0 + result1 + result2 + result3;
int main(){
clock_t start0 = clock();
double sum0 = sequential();
clock_t end0 = clock();
cout << "sum = " << sum0 << endl;
cout << "sequential time: " << (double)(end0 - start0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
clock_t start1 = clock();
double sum1 = optimized();
clock_t end1 = clock();
cout << "sum = " << sum1 << endl;
cout << "optimized time: " << (double)(end1 - start1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
sum = 2.3e+09
sequential time: 0.948138
sum = 2.3e+09
optimized time: 0.317293
Notice how the difference is almost exactly 3x. That's because of the 3-cycle latency and 1-cycle throughput of the floating-point add.
The sequential version has very little ILP because all the floating-point adds are on the critical path. (each add needs to wait until the previous add is done) The unrolled version has 4 separate dependency chains with up to 4 independent adds - all of which can be run in parallel. Only 3 are required to saturate the processor core.
The difference can also be made visible for integer code, for example
global cmp1
proc_frame cmp1
mov ecx, -10000000
mov r8d, 1
xor eax, eax
add eax, r8d
add eax, r8d
add eax, r8d
add eax, r8d
add ecx, 1
jnz _cmp1_loop
global cmp2
proc_frame cmp2
mov ecx, -10000000
mov r8d, 1
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
xor r9d, r9d
xor r10d, r10d
add eax, r8d
add edx, r8d
add r9d, r8d
add r10d, r8d
add ecx, 1
jnz _cmp2_loop
add r9d, r10d
add eax, edx
add eax, r9d
Results on my 4770K are about 35.9 million TSC ticks for the first one vs 11.9 million for the second one (minimum time over 1k runs).
In the first one, the dependency chain on eax
is the slowest thing at 4 cycles per iteration. Nothing else matters, the dependency chain on ecx
is faster and there is plenty of throughput to hide it and the control flow. 35.9 million TSC ticks works out to 40 million cycles by the way, since the TSC ticks at the base clock rate of 3.5GHz but the max turbo is 3.9GHz, 3.9/3.5 * 35.9 is about 40.
The version of the second one I mentioned in the comments (4 accumulators but using [rsp]
to store the constant 1) takes 17.9, which makes it 2 cycles per iteration. That matches the throughput of the memory loads, which on Haswell is 2/cycle. 4 loads so 2 cycles. The loop overhead can still hide.
The second one as posted above takes 1.3333 cycles per iteration. The first four adds can go to ports 0, 1, 5 and 6, the add/jnz
fused pair can go to port 6 only. Putting the fused pair in p6 leaves 3 ports for 4 µops, hence 1.3333 cycles.
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