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Is it safe to realloc memory allocated with new?

People also ask

Can you free memory allocated with new?

You must use delete operator to deallocate memory when it is allocated by new operator. no, you should use delete[] for new[], and delete for new.

Does realloc allocate new memory?

In the C Programming Language, the realloc function is used to resize a block of memory that was previously allocated. The realloc function allocates a block of memory (which be can make it larger or smaller in size than the original) and copies the contents of the old block to the new block of memory, if necessary.

Is it safe to use realloc?

It's perfectly safe to use realloc . It is the way to reallocate memory in a C program. However you should always check the return value for an error condition.

What happens to old memory after realloc?

If realloc succeeds, it will take ownership of the incoming memory (either manipulating it or free ing it) and return a pointer that can be used ("owned") by the calling function. If realloc fails (returns NULL ), your function retains ownership of the original memory and should free it when it's done with it.

You can only realloc that which has been allocated via malloc (or family, like calloc).

That's because the underlying data structures that keep track of free and used areas of memory, can be quite different.

It's likely but by no means guaranteed that C++ new and C malloc use the same underlying allocator, in which case realloc could work for both. But formally that's in UB-land. And in practice it's just needlessly risky.

C++ does not offer functionality corresponding to realloc.

The closest is the automatic reallocation of (the internal buffers of) containers like std::vector.

The C++ containers suffer from being designed in a way that excludes use of realloc.

Instead of the presented code

int* data = new int[3];
int* mydata = (int*)realloc(data,6*sizeof(int));

… do this:

vector<int> data( 3 );
data.resize( 6 );

However, if you absolutely need the general efficiency of realloc, and if you have to accept new for the original allocation, then your only recourse for efficiency is to use compiler-specific means, knowledge that realloc is safe with this compiler.

Otherwise, if you absolutely need the general efficiency of realloc but is not forced to accept new, then you can use malloc and realloc. Using smart pointers then lets you get much of the same safety as with C++ containers.

The only possibly relevant restriction C++ adds to realloc is that C++'s malloc/calloc/realloc must not be implemented in terms of ::operator new, and its free must not be implemented in terms of ::operator delete (per C++14 [c.malloc]p3-4).

This means the guarantee you are looking for does not exist in C++. It also means, however, that you can implement ::operator new in terms of malloc. And if you do that, then in theory, ::operator new's result can be passed to realloc.

In practice, you should be concerned about the possibility that new's result does not match ::operator new's result. C++ compilers may e.g. combine multiple new expressions to use one single ::operator new call. This is something compilers already did when the standard didn't allow it, IIRC, and the standard now does allow it (per C++14 [expr.new]p10). That means that even if you go this route, you still don't have a guarantee that passing your new pointers to realloc does anything meaningful, even if it's no longer undefined behaviour.

In general, don't do that. If you are using user defined types with non-trivial initialization, in case of reallocation-copy-freeing, the destructor of your objects won't get called by realloc. The copy constructor won't be called too, when copying. This may lead to undefined behavior due to an incorrect use of object lifetime (see C++ Standard §3.8 Object lifetime, [basic.life]).

1 The lifetime of an object is a runtime property of the object. An object is said to have non-trivial initialization if it is of a class or aggregate type and it or one of its members is initialized by a constructor other than a trivial default constructor. [ Note: initialization by a trivial copy/move constructor is non-trivial initialization. —end note ]

The lifetime of an object of type T begins when:

— storage with the proper alignment and size for type T is obtained, and

— if the object has non-trivial initialization, its initialization is complete.

The lifetime of an object of type T ends when:

— if T is a class type with a non-trivial destructor (12.4), the destructor call starts, or

— the storage which the object occupies is reused or released.

And later (emphasis mine):

3 The properties ascribed to objects throughout this International Standard apply for a given object only during its lifetime.

So, you really don't want to use an object out of its lifetime.

It is not safe, and it's not elegant.

It might be possible to override new/delete to support the reallocation, but then you may as well consider to use the containers.

In general, no.

There are a slew of things which must hold to make it safe:

  1. Bitwise copying the type and abandoning the source must be safe.
  2. The destructor must be trivial, or you must in-place-destruct the elements you want to deallocate.
  3. Either the constructor is trivial, or you must in-place-construct the new elements.

Trivial types satisfy the above requirements.

In addition:

  1. The new[]-function must pass the request on to malloc without any change, nor do any bookkeeping on the side. You can force this by replacing global new[] and delete[], or the ones in the respective classes.
  2. The compiler must not ask for more memory in order to save the number of elements allocated, or anything else.
    There is no way to force that, though a compiler shouldn't save such information if the type has a trivial destructor as a matter of Quality of Implementation.