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Qt get children from layout

I try to hide all widgets in layout. But looks like findChildren doesn't work for layout.

Here's my sample code:

QLayout * layout = widget -> findChild<QLayout *> (layoutName); QList<QWidget *> list = layout -> findChildren<QWidget *> ();  cout << list.size() << endl; 

size is 0, but inside this layout I have a few widgets. But the same code works fine if I try to get widgets from parent widget.

How I can get them from appropriate layout?

like image 989
Alex Ivasyuv Avatar asked Oct 31 '10 22:10

Alex Ivasyuv

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2 Answers

The layout does not "inject" itself in the parent-child tree, so the widgets stay (direct) children of their parent widget.

You could use QLayout::count() and QLayout::itemAt() instead.

like image 108
Frank Osterfeld Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Frank Osterfeld

You can simply iterate over the layout's items, using itemAt(), then test whether the item is a widget:

for (int i = 0; i < gridLayout->count(); ++i) {   QWidget *widget = gridLayout->itemAt(i)->widget();   if (widget != NULL)   {     widget->setVisible(false);   }   else   {     // You may want to recurse, or perform different actions on layouts.     // See gridLayout->itemAt(i)->layout()   } } 
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braggPeaks Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
