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Is it possible to hide extension resources in the Chrome web inspector network tab?

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Can Chrome extensions be hidden?

Hiding any extension in Chrome takes two clicks. First, you must find the icon for your extension in your browser as this is how you will hide the extension. After locating the icon, right-click and select “Hide in Chrome Menu.” After clicking this option, the icon for the extension will disappear from your toolbar.

How do I hide an extension menu in Chrome?

1] Locate the Chrome shortcut icon on the taskbar, Start Menu, or desktop. 2] Right-click on the icon and select properties from the menu. 5] Click OK to save the new target settings. 6] Now, open Google Chrome and the extension icon will no longer be displayed.

Where are Chrome extensions data stored?

When extensions are installed into Chrome they are extracted into the C:\Users\[login_name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions folder. Each extension will be stored in its own folder named after the ID of the extension.

Not quite the solution I was after (I'd have preferred a global setting), but there is now a way to filter out requests from extensions, as mentioned by a commenter on the issue I originally opened.

In the network tab filter box, enter the string -scheme:chrome-extension (as shown below):

Dev tools filter input screenshot

This is case-sensitive, so make sure it's lowercase. Doing this will hide all resources which were requested by extensions.

Just enter "-f" in Network field

enter image description here

An Incognito Window, can be configured to include or exclude extensions from the extensions page of Chrome settings.