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Secret copy to clipboard JavaScript function in Chrome and Firefox?

I believe these are predefined Firebug console functions - at least that seems to be the case for Firebug. If you try calling window.copy for instance, you'll get a warning about function not defined, so it's definitely not a browser function, and cannot be used in normal JavaScript files. The following functions also seems to work in the JavaScript console, after playing around with it a bit:

  • clear()
  • profile()

Running these in the Chrome console reveals the source behind these functions in the Webkit console:

> profile
function ()
return console.profile.apply(console, arguments)

> clear
function ()

> copy
function (object)
if (injectedScript._type(object) === "node")
object = object.outerHTML;

While the Firebug source also defines a list of functions:

this.clear = function()  // no web page interaction

this.inspect = function(obj, panelName)  // no web page interaction
    Firebug.chrome.select(obj, panelName);

this.keys = function(o)
    return FBL.keys(o);  // the object is from the page, unwrapped

this.values = function(o)
    return FBL.values(o); // the object is from the page, unwrapped

// etc...

Here you can see the reference copy command of Chrome Dev tools: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/console/utilities#copy

You shouldn't use this commands on real JS cross-browsers (just for debugging on the console so-to-speak).