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Is creating JS object with Object.create(null) the same as {}?



People also ask

Is object null JavaScript?

The JavaScript specification says about null : null is a primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value. If you see null (either assigned to a variable or returned by a function), then at that place should have been an object, but for some reason, an object wasn't created.

Which of which is the correct way to create an object in JavaScript?

Creating a JavaScript ObjectCreate a single object, using an object literal. Create a single object, with the keyword new . Define an object constructor, and then create objects of the constructed type. Create an object using Object.create() .

IS null considered an object?

In object-oriented computer programming, a null object is an object with no referenced value or with defined neutral ("null") behavior. The null object design pattern describes the uses of such objects and their behavior (or lack thereof).

Which method is called when a new object is created?

Instantiation: The new keyword is a Java operator that creates the object. As discussed below, this is also known as instantiating a class. Initialization: The new operator is followed by a call to a constructor.

They are not equivalent. {}.constructor.prototype == Object.prototype while Object.create(null) doesn't inherit from anything and thus has no properties at all.

In other words: A javascript object inherits from Object by default, unless you explicitly create it with null as its prototype, like: Object.create(null).

{} would instead be equivalent to Object.create(Object.prototype).

In Chrome Devtool you can see that Object.create(null) has no __proto__ property, while {} does.

enter image description here

They are definitely not equivalent. I'm writing this answer to more fully explain why it makes a difference.

  1. var p = {};

    Creates an object that inherits the properties and methods from Object.

  2. var p2 = Object.create(null);

    Creates an object that doesn't inherit anything.

If you are using an object as a map, and you create an object using method 1 above, then you have to be extra careful when doing lookups in the map. Because the properties and methods from Object are inherited, your code may run into a case where there are keys in the map that you never inserted. For example, if you did a lookup on toString, you would find a function, even though you never put that value there. You can work around that like this:

if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p, 'toString')) {
    // we actually inserted a 'toString' key into p

Note that it is fine to assign something to p.toString, it will simply override the inherited toString function on p.

Note that you can't just do p.hasOwnProperty('toString') because you may have inserted a key "hasOwnProperty" into p, so we force it to use the implementation in Object.

On the other hand, if you use method 2 above, then you won't have to worry about things from Object appearing in the map.

You can't check for the existence of a property with a simple if like this:

// Unreliable:
if (p[someKey]) {
    // ...

The value might be an empty string, might be false, or null, or undefined, or 0, or NaN, etc. To check whether a property exists at all, you would still need to use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p, someKey).

Creating objects by using {} will create an object whose prototype is Object.prototype which inherits the basic functions from Object prototype while creating objects by using Object.create(null) will create an empty object whose prototype is null.