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How do you hide the Address bar in Google Chrome for Chrome Apps?

You can run Chrome in application mode.


Chrome.exe --app=https://google.com


/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --app=https://google.com


google-chrome --app=https://google.com

This removes all toolbars, not just the address bar, but it will definitely increase your real estate without having to use Kiosk mode.

Visit the site you want in Chrome. Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar.

  • Select "More Tools" > "Create shortcut…"
  • Check "Open as window", press "Add"

Once you launch from that shortcut it will be a window without toolbar.


  • CMDControlF goes fullscreen
  • CMDShiftF hides the navbar
  • also worth noting ...More ToolsCreate Shortcut... creates a standalone Application, just make sure you're logged into the Chrome Profile you want to be active


  • F11 (possibly AltEnter too)

Uncheck Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen in View menu:

enter image description here

and go to fullscreen then:

Alt+Cmd+F - on Mac

F11 - on Windows

In the latest version of Chrome (Version 50.0.2661.94 m) you can accomplish this by going to the menu and then clicking -> More Tools -> Add to Desktop. You will then want to check off "Open as Window" in the popup that appears and then click "Add". Screen shots below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Hitting F11 may work for you.(Full-screen mode)

It appears that the hiding the address bar without going full screen is no longer an option:http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/d7LfleRNX7M