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Chrome developer tools: View Console and Sources views in separate views/vertically tiled?

People also ask

How do I split my chrome console?

Vertical split You can undock the developer tools (by clicking on the icon in the bottom-left corner), which moves it to a new window. Then press Esc to open the console. Both the window and the "small console" can be resized to meet your needs.

How do I make Chrome developer tools horizontal?

Go horizontal This isn't an ideal layout for most web debugging tasks, so click-and-hold the layout icon (in the top right of the DevTools Panel's menubar) to see the horizontal-layout option.

How do I force a horizontal panel layout in Chrome?

In the developer tools, klick the cogwheel icon (or press F1 when focusing the dev tools) to open the settings overlay. Under "Preferences", in the "Appearance" section, find the "Panel layout" option. Set it to your liking.

How do I show grid in Chrome developer tools?

You can find the layout tab on the bottom of your dev tools. Within this tab you will see all the grids that are on the page. In this case, it's just the one. You can check the little checkbox before your grid, and it will highlight the grid.

Vertical split

You can undock the developer tools (by clicking on the icon in the bottom-left corner), which moves it to a new window. Then press Esc to open the console.

Both the window and the "small console" can be resized to meet your needs.

screenshot of vertically split devtools

Horizontal split

If you prefer to have the console at the right instead of the bottom, customize the developer tools by editing path/to/profile/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css, and add the following rules:

EDIT: Support for Custom.css has been removed, but it's still possible to change the styles of the developer tools using a new API, chrome.devtools.panels.applyStyleSheet method (sample code).

/* If drawer has been expanded at least once AND it's still expanded */
#-webkit-web-inspector #main[style*="bottom"]:not([style*="bottom: 0"]) {
    width: 50%;
    bottom: 0 !important;

#-webkit-web-inspector #drawer[style*="height"]:not([style*="height: 0"]) {
    /* The position of the drawer */
    left: 50% !important;
    /* styles to position the #drawer correctly */
    top: 26px !important;
    height: auto !important;
    z-index: 1;
    border-left: 1px solid rgb(64%, 64%, 64%);
#-webkit-web-inspector.show-toolbar-icons #drawer[style*="height"]:not([style*="height: 0"]) {
    top: 56px !important;

The result looks like this:

screenshot of horizontally split devtools

esc - is the shortcut ,

or at menu(the three dots) click on show console drawer

enter image description here

In the right press the "Three Dots" and click "Show Console Drawer"

enter image description here

The OP has probably moved on since posting this three years ago, but for anyone else:

I don't know of any way to split the developer tool window, but you can switch between vertical, horizontal and auto (the default) panel layouts, which the OP asked about in their clarification. I have frequently found this to be useful.

  1. Open the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of the dev tools window.
  2. Select 'Settings'.
  3. "General" tab --> "Appearance" section
  4. "Panel Layout"

An easier solution is to keep the bottom left icon pressed which will pop up another icon which, when selected, will allow you to view the console to the right of your main browser window

If You can type but don't see the console and can't resize it:

enter image description here

Then undock DevTools in upper-right corner. Then You will be able to resize it:

enter image description here

After this You can dock it back.