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Disabling android's chrome pull-down-to-refresh feature

People also ask

How do I stop chrome from auto refreshing Android?

If you want to disable or stop the auto-refresh, you can click on Toggle to turn off the Auto Discardable checkbox against the open tab, and you're done. The only major caveat is that the setting is not permanent. If you close the chrome browser and relaunch, Auto Discardable is re-enabled for the site.

How do I stop my browser from auto refreshing?

Click the Start button, type “internet options” and select Internet Options in the search results. In the Internet Properties window, click “Custom tab -> Custom level,” then in the Security Settings window, scroll down until you find “Allow META REFRESH.” Disable this option and click OK.

How do I stop chrome from feeding?

Tap on the ⋮ icon the "Discover" title. A context menu will appear, after doing so. Select Turn off from the context menu. This will be the last option on the list.

What happens if I disable Google Chrome on Android?

Disabling chrome is almost the same as Uninstall since it will no longer be visible on the app drawer and no running processes. But, the app will still be available in phone storage. In the end, I will also be covering some other browsers that you might love to check out for your smartphone.

The default action of the pull-to-refresh effect can be effectively prevented by doing any of the following :

  1. preventDefault’ing some portion of the touch sequence, including any of the following (in order of most disruptive to least disruptive):
    • a. The entire touch stream (not ideal).
    • b. All top overscrolling touchmoves.
    • c. The first top overscrolling touchmove.
    • d. The first top overscrolling touchmove only when 1) the initial touchstart occurred when the page y scroll offset was zero and 2) the touchmove would induce top overscroll.
  2. Applying “touch-action: none” to touch-targeted elements, where appropriate, disabling default actions (including pull-to-refresh) of the touch sequence.
  3. Applying “overflow-y: hidden” to the body element, using a div for scrollable content if necessary.
  4. Disabling the effect locally via chrome://flags/#disable-pull-to-refresh-effect).

See more

Simple solution for 2019+

Chrome 63 has added a css property to help out with exactly this. Have a read through this guide by Google to get a good idea of how you can handle it.

Here is their TL:DR

The CSS overscroll-behavior property allows developers to override the browser's default overflow scroll behavior when reaching the top/bottom of content. Use cases include disabling the pull-to-refresh feature on mobile, removing overscroll glow and rubberbanding effects, and preventing page content from scrolling when it's beneath a modal/overlay.

To get it working, all you have to add is this in your CSS:

body {
  overscroll-behavior: contain;

It is also only supported by Chrome, Edge and Firefox for now but I'm sure Safari will add it soon as they seem to be fully onboard with service workers and the future of PWA's.

At the moment you can only disable this feature via chrome://flags/#disable-pull-to-refresh-effect - open directly from your device.

You could try to catch touchmove events, but chances are very slim to achieve an acceptable result.

I use MooTools, and I have created a Class to disable refresh on a targeted element, but the crux of it is (native JS):

var target = window; // this can be any scrollable element
var last_y = 0;
target.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e){
    var scrolly = target.pageYOffset || target.scrollTop || 0;
    var direction = e.changedTouches[0].pageY > last_y ? 1 : -1;
    if(direction>0 && scrolly===0){
    last_y = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;

All we do here is find the y direction of the touchmove, and if we are moving down the screen and the target scroll is 0, we stop the event. Thus, no refresh.

This means we are firing on every 'move', which can be expensive, but is the best solution I have found so far ...

After many hours of trying, this solution works for me

    "touch-action": "pan-down"

You can try this

body {
  /* Disables pull-to-refresh but allows overscroll glow effects. */
  overscroll-behavior-y: contain;

example :


full doc https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/11/overscroll-behavior


I have successfully disabled it with this AngularJS directive:

//Prevents "pull to reload" behaviour in Chrome. Assign to child scrollable elements.
angular.module('hereApp.directive').directive('noPullToReload', function() {
    'use strict';

    return {
        link: function(scope, element) {
            var initialY = null,
                previousY = null,
                bindScrollEvent = function(e){
                    previousY = initialY = e.touches[0].clientY;

                    // Pull to reload won't be activated if the element is not initially at scrollTop === 0
                    if(element[0].scrollTop <= 0){
                        element.on("touchmove", blockScroll);
                blockScroll = function(e){
                    if(previousY && previousY < e.touches[0].clientY){ //Scrolling up
                    else if(initialY >= e.touches[0].clientY){ //Scrolling down
                        //As soon as you scroll down, there is no risk of pulling to reload
                        element.off("touchmove", blockScroll);
                    previousY = e.touches[0].clientY;
                unbindScrollEvent = function(e){
                    element.off("touchmove", blockScroll);
            element.on("touchstart", bindScrollEvent);
            element.on("touchend", unbindScrollEvent);

It's safe to stop watching as soon as the user scrolls down, as the pull to refresh has no chance of being triggered.

Likewise, if scrolltop > 0, the event won't be triggered. In my implementation, I bind the touchmove event on touchstart, only if scrollTop <= 0. I unbind it as soon as the user scrolls down (initialY >= e.touches[0].clientY). If the user scrolls up (previousY < e.touches[0].clientY), then I call preventDefault().

This saves us from watching scroll events needlessly, yet blocks overscrolling.


If you are using jQuery, this is the untested equivalent. element is a jQuery element:

var initialY = null,
    previousY = null,
    bindScrollEvent = function(e){
        previousY = initialY = e.touches[0].clientY;

        // Pull to reload won't be activated if the element is not initially at scrollTop === 0
        if(element[0].scrollTop <= 0){
            element.on("touchmove", blockScroll);
    blockScroll = function(e){
        if(previousY && previousY < e.touches[0].clientY){ //Scrolling up
        else if(initialY >= e.touches[0].clientY){ //Scrolling down
            //As soon as you scroll down, there is no risk of pulling to reload
        previousY = e.touches[0].clientY;
    unbindScrollEvent = function(e){
element.on("touchstart", bindScrollEvent);
element.on("touchend", unbindScrollEvent);

Naturally, the same can also be achieved with pure JS.