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How to disable Google translate from HTML in Chrome

New Answer

Add translate="no" to your <html> tag, like so:

<html translate="no">

MDN Reference

Old Answer

(This should still work but is less desirable because it is Google-specific, and there are other translation services out there.)

Add this tag in between <head> and </head>:

<meta name="google" content="notranslate">

Documentation reference

So for the ultimate solution I made;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="notranslate" translate="no">
  <meta name="google" content="notranslate" />

This worked for me.

The meta tag in the <head> didn't work for me, but


added to a parent div (or even <body>) did work and allows more precise control of the content you don't want to be translated.


<html lang="en" class="notranslate" translate="no">    <!-- All translators -->
 <head><meta name="google" content="notranslate" /> <!-- Just for google -->
</head>                                                <!-- Close head      -->

The more simple way is just adding the translate="no" proprety. This can be made in divs, text and more. Here's an example:

// Just for instructions
// Do not copy or paste
console.log("The first div don't alows translateing. But the second, alows it.")
console.log("Open the translator and see the efect.")
<div translate="no">
  Try translating me!
  <b>Olá - Hello - Hola</b>
<hr> DIV2
<div translate="">
  Now, you can do it!
  <b>Olá - Hello - Hola</b>

Note that this example has some problems with the StackOverflow viewer.

Disclaimer: This answer is repeated, on it is on the Community Wiki.

FYI, if you want something that will work for all content in your site (including that which is not HTML), you can set the Content-Language header in your response (source) to the appropriate language, (in my case, en-US).

This has the benefit here is that it will "disable" the offer to translate the page for you (because it will know the source language correctly), but for other, non-native readers, they will still have the option to translate your site into their own language, and it will work correctly.

(Also for my use case, where Chrome was offering to translate well formatted JSON from latin to English, that BS goes away.)