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Is it possible to have the read/write of a property to have different visibility?

As the question says... is it possible to declare the read/write of a property at different level of visibility. If so, what would be the syntax?

Something along the line of :

    property MyProp : Integer write FMyProp;
    property MyProp : Integer read FMyProp;

Not that it would be a major language feature, it's easily replaced by

  procedure SetMyProp(Value : Integer);
  property MyProp : Integer read FMyProp;

I'm just curious if such a possibility exists.

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Ken Bourassa Avatar asked Apr 01 '11 15:04

Ken Bourassa

2 Answers

No, you have to split it into two separate properties (with different names), although they can refer to the same private field.

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Ondrej Kelle Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10

Ondrej Kelle

No, this isn't possible. I'm not sure why you would need to do that, however.

The only reason I can see is to make it read-only while still allowing it to be published and seen in the Object Inspector, and you can already do this:

  procedure SetMyProp(Value: String);
  MyProp: string read FMyProp write SetMyProp;

procedure TMyComponent.SetMyProp(Value: String);
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Ken White Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Ken White