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Ensure all TThread.Queue methods complete before thread self-destructs

I have discovered that if a method queued with TThread.Queue calls a method that invokes TApplication.WndProc (e.g. ShowMessage) then subsequent queued methods are allowed to run before the original method has completed. Worse still, they don't seem to be invoked in FIFO order.

[Edit: Actually they do start in FIFO order. With ShowMessage it looks like the later one ran first because there is a call to CheckSynchronize before the dialog appears. This unqueues the next method and runs it, not returning until the latter method has completed. Only then does the dialog appear.]

I'm trying to ensure that all methods queued from the worker thread to run in the VCL thread run in strict FIFO order, and that they all complete before the worker thread is destroyed.

My other constraint is that I am trying to maintain strict separation of the GUI from the business logic. The thread in this case is part of the business logic layer so I can't use PostMessage from an OnTerminate handler to arrange for the thread to be destroyed (as recommended by a number of contributors elsewhere). So I'm setting FreeOnTerminate := True in a final queued method just before TThread.Execute exits. (Hence the need for them to execute in strict FIFO order.)

This is how my TThread.Execute method ends:

  // Queue a final method to execute in the main thread that will set an event
  // allowing this thread to exit. This ensures that this thread can't exit
  // until all of the queued procedures have run.
      if Assigned(fOnComplete) then
        // Handler sets fWorker.FreeOnTerminate := True and fWorker := nil
  WaitForSingleObject(fCanExit, INFINITE);

but as I said this doesn't work because this queued method executes before some of the earlier queued methods.

Can anyone suggest a simple and clean way to make this work, or a simple and clean alternative?

[The only idea I've come up with so far that maintains separation of concerns and modularity is to give my TThread subclass a WndProc of its own. Then I can use PostMessage directly to this WndProc instead of the main form's. But I'm hoping for something a bit more light-weight.]

Thanks for the answers and comments so far. I now understand that my code above with a queued SetEvent and WaitForSingleObject is functionally equivalent to calling Synchronize at the end instead of Queue because Queue and Synchronize share the same queue. I tried Synchronize first and it failed for the same reason as the code above fails - the earlier queued methods invoke message handling so the final Synchronize method runs before the earlier queued methods have completed.

So I'm still stuck with the original problem, which now boils down to: Can I cleanly ensure that all of the queued methods have completed before the worker thread is freed, and can I cleanly free the worker thread without using PostMessage, which requires a window handle to post to (that my business layer doesn't have access to).

I've also updated the title better to reflect the original problem, although I'd be happy for an alternative solution that doesn't use TThread.Queue if appropriate. If someone can think up a better title then please edit it.

Another update: This answer by David Heffernan suggests using PostMessage with a special AllocateHWnd in the general case if TThread.Queue isn't available or suitable. Significantly, it's never safe to use PostMessage to the main form because the window can be spontaneously recreated changing its handle, which would cause all subsequent messages to the old handle to be lost. This makes a strong argument for me adopting this particular solution, since there's no additional overhead to creating a hidden window in my case since any application using PostMessage should do this - i.e. my separation of concerns argument is irrelevant.

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Ian Goldby Avatar asked Apr 29 '14 08:04

Ian Goldby

1 Answers

TThread.Queue() is a FIFO queue. In fact, it shares the same queue that Thread.Sychronize() uses. But you are correct that message handling does cause queued methods to execute. This is because TApplication.Idle() calls CheckSynchronize() whenever the message queue goes idle after processing new messages. So if a queued/synched method invokes message processing, that can allow other queued/synched methods to being running even if the earlier method is still running.

If you want to ensure a queue method is called before the thread terminates, you should be using Synchronize() instead of Queue(), or use the OnTerminate event instead (which is triggered by Synchronize()). What you are doing in your finally block is effectively the same as what the OnTerminate event already does natively.

Setting FreeOnTerminate := True in a queued method is asking for a memory leak. FreeOnTerminate is evaluated immediately when Execute() exits, before DoTerminate() is called to trigger the OnTerminate event (which is an oversight in my opinion, as evaluating it that early prevents OnTerminate from deciding at termination time whether a thread should free itself or not after OnTerminate exits). So if the queued method runs after Execute() has exited, there is no guarantee that FreeOnTerminate will be set in time. Waiting for a queued method to finish before returning control to the thread is exactly what Synchronize() is meant for. Synchronize() is synchronous, it waits for the method to exit. Queue() is asynchronous, it does not wait at all.

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Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 00:11

Remy Lebeau