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Get a std::thread to detach and terminate itself

I am currently developing a basic thread pool. I used c++11's std::thread, along with std::condition_variable, and std::unique_lock. It seems to work, and I now would like to be able to kill some threads when too many of them are inactive. For now, their jobs are given through a std::queue of boost::functions. I was thinking of adding a bunch of empty boost::functions so the threads know they have to exit their loop. The thread's loop is like this:

void    ThreadPool::threadLoop()
  boost::function<void ()>      oThreadTask;
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex>  oLock(m_oTaskMutex);

  while (1)
      // m_oCV is a static std::condition_variable
      // m_oTaskQueue is a static std::queue< boost::function<void ()> >
      m_oCV.wait(oLock, [](){ return m_oTaskQueue.size(); });
      oThreadTask = m_oTaskQueue.front();
      if (oThreadTask.empty())
        break ;
  // ??

The thing is, I'm not sure how to properly detach the thread once I exited the loop. Would it be clean to look for the thread's handle (I have access to a std::list<std::thread*>, and can compare their ids with std::this_thread::get_id()), and is it safe to call detach() from the thread itself, or even join()?

like image 832
Jukurrpa Avatar asked Feb 02 '12 18:02


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1 Answers

Yes, if you have all thread objects stored, you can find the one which thread::id is equal to this_thread::get_id(), and you can call detach() on it, and destroy the thread object after that (the C++11 standard does not prevent that, and I believe it is based on the common practice). Make sure that no other execution thread accesses the instance of std::thread which is destroyed.

But you cannot call join() from the thread itself: an attempt for a thread to join with itself would result in a deadlock, and C++11 implementations should recognize that and throw system_error with the error condition of resource_deadlock_would_occur.

Alternatively, you can leave a message (e.g. via an std::atomic variable) to the main thread that the thread associated with a particular instance of std::thread is about to complete its execution, and let the main thread join with this instance at a later point.

like image 139
Alexey Kukanov Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Alexey Kukanov