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Delphi XE3 File Not Found GIFImage.dcu

My first question here - this is new install of Delphi XE3. I thought animated GIF support was now built in to Delphi (since 2007?).

When I drop a TImage on my form, all is good until I populate the Picture field with an animated GIF file. As soon as I do that, the IDE adds the following to my uses clause

uses ... , Vcl.Imaging.GIFImg, GIFImage;

At that point, the IDE and compiler say it can't find GIFImage.dcu

[dcc32 Fatal Error] pco.pas(7): F1026 File not found: 'GIFImage.dcu'

I've searched my system and I don't find a GIFImage.dcu file anywhere. There are some TGIFImage files in some of the RAD Studio folders - like .bpl, .bpi, .dcp, .lib, and two .hpp files - one for both TGIFImage and GIFImage.

If I go do a download of the GIFImage stuff from Finn's site here http://www.tolderlund.eu/delphi/, and then put the GIFImage.pas file in my project, the situation resolves itself.

But according to this post How to use Animated Gif in a delphi form, GIFImage is now built in to Delphi, so I don't think I should have to do that ... So what am I missing here? TIA.

like image 285
jmroyalty Avatar asked Jan 06 '13 18:01


1 Answers

The name of the unit in XE3 is Vcl.Imaging.GIFImg. The TGIFImage class is defined in that unit.

There is no GIFImage unit in XE3. Simply remove all references to that unit.

I guess at some point the unit was renamed. Probably when it was taken on by Embarcadero and incorporated into Delphi.

If I go do a download of the GIFImage stuff from Finn's site here http://www.tolderlund.eu/delphi/, and then put the GIFImage.pas file in my project, the situation resolves itself.

Don't do this. Delete those files. If you go down that route you will have two versions of the same GIF code.

like image 154
David Heffernan Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10

David Heffernan