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Ionic.js or Appgyver Steroids for Angular MPA

I'm working on a somewhat large Angular.js CRM mobile app that uses Ionic JS Framework for the UI elements. I've been debugging using Ripple Phonegap Emulator. I've had literally no performance issues anywhere. The transitions are fast and fluid.

However, once I deployed using Phonegap Build and loaded the APK on an Android device, the performance was terrible. Ionic.js has known problems with Master/Detail transitions which can be worked around, but even apart from these screens (when I am not loading any external content), the app was very slow.

My question is, should I try to adopt Appgyver's Steroids Framework for my UI elements and transitions? Will Steroids offer faster performance and would it be worth the transition?

I'm targeting Android and iOS.

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user3783608 Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 08:02


1 Answers

If you were to develop you app iOS first, I would definitely recommend the AppGyver platform. However, currently the Android runtime is going through a complete rework, with the new (currently called "Fresh") Android runtime not yet having any native UI features implemented, which would provide a noticeable boost in your app's performance.

That said, the first native UI features are being implemented in the next few releases, so depending on your deadlines, it could be worth the wait.

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Sampo Laurila Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 09:02

Sampo Laurila