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Use of dummy and empty jQuery promises

I run multiple animations and perform some action when they're complete, using jQuery promises:


Each function (foo, etc.) returns a jQuery.Promise().

Now say I want to include a function which doesn't animate anything, but its timing is related to the animations - I can't include it in the chain, as it doesn't return a promise.

So I can hack it like so:

function qux() {
  if (something) {
    return $(".whatever")
      .append(/*...do stuff...*/)
      .animate({ left: "+=0" }, 0, callback ) // <-- dummy animation does nothing
      .promise();                             // <-- this is a dummy promise
  else {
    return $().promise();                     // <-- this is an "empty" promise

And now I can chain it:


This works. But I'm bending the rules here - are there any gotchas I haven't taken into account, or am I somehow stomping on the fx queue?

As per answers below, the qux() function can be rewritten as:

function qux() {
  if (something) {
      .append(/*...do stuff...*/);
like image 631
Bobby B Avatar asked Feb 12 '23 09:02

Bobby B

2 Answers

If you are going to use it with $.when you don't need to return an empty promise. $.when can handle non promises. Demo.

function promise(flag) {
    if(flag) {
        var dfd = $.Deferred();
        }, 1000);
        return dfd.promise();


$.when(promise(), promise(true), promise(), 15).done(function(){

And if you want to return an empty promise you can use $.Deferred().resolve().promise()

like image 108
Yury Tarabanko Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 23:02

Yury Tarabanko

If your function is always synchronous - simply do not return a promise:

function qux() {
  if (something) {
    return $(".whatever")
      .append(/*...do stuff...*/);

You can still use it in $.when but there is little point since it executes synchronously. You should not return promises from synchronous functions.

However, if your function is sometimes synchronous - it should always return a promise for consistency.

As I said in earlier comments - $.when is perfectly fine with non-promises (it will treat them as promises). So functions that might return promises can be used with $.when however if it is always synchronous it is redundant to do so.

like image 21
Benjamin Gruenbaum Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 23:02

Benjamin Gruenbaum