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Need explaination about scope issue in javascript

I have this code

var Variable = "hello";

function say_hello ()
    var Variable = "bye";


Now, when I first read this code, I thought it will alert "hello" two times, but the result I get is that it alerts "undefined" the first time, and "hello" second time. can someone explains to me why ?

like image 909
Config Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 08:02


1 Answers

In JavaScript, all var declarations in a function are treated as if they appeared at the very top of the function body, no matter where they actually are in the code. Your function therefore was interpreted as if it were written like this:

function say_hello() {
  var Variable;
  Variable = "bye";

Note that it's just the declaration that's interpreted that way; the initialization expression happens where the var actually sits in your code. Thus, your function defined a local variable called "Variable", which hid the more global one. At the point the alert() ran, the variable had not been initialized.

like image 172
Pointy Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 11:02
