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IntelliJ IDEA terminal unlimited scrollback

I recently started using the terminal window inside of IntelliJ IDEA so that I don't context switch between IDE and the Mac terminal window.

On my Mac terminal, I had set "unlimited scrollback" to true which means that when I am running my unit tests, I can scroll through the entire run.

Now inside of IntelliJ terminal, when I run my tests, it truncates the output and therefore I cannot go to the beginning of the test run.

I tried looking in the settings, but I didn't find anything which will give me a unlimited scrollback.

like image 927
Knows Not Much Avatar asked Feb 10 '17 15:02

Knows Not Much

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1 Answers

you can increase the lines of the terminal if you desire: In intellij goto the registry (press cntrl+shift+a and write registry, and click it). look for: terminal.buffer.max.lines.count and increase it from the 1000 lines it has. (I entered 9999 and for my runs it did the job)

like image 126
Amichai Ungar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Amichai Ungar