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IntelliJ: find code path between two methods

I have two methods in my code base. I would like to figure out, if there exists a path in which one will be called from the other. Is there some way to achieve this easily in IntelliJ without digging manually through call hierarchies?

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gruszczy Avatar asked Jan 17 '16 17:01


2 Answers

The following might work for you on IntellIJ IDEA 16 and higher. It uses call hierarchies, but automates the digging;-)

  • invoke Call Hierarchy Ctrl+Alt+H on method 1.
  • click on the Callee Methods Hierarchy button in the tool window that appears to show all methods that are called by method 1.
  • click on the Expand All button a couple of times to show called methods until the desired depth.
  • Invoke Find Usages on method 2 and select the Scope Hierarchy 'Callees of 1'

Result: all calls of method 2 in method 1's call hierarchy.

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Bas Leijdekkers Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Bas Leijdekkers

I've done the following:

  • Select method 2 and invoke call hierarchy with Ctrl+Alt+H.
  • Click Expand All on the hierarchy panel
  • Click inside the hierarchy panel, and start typing the name of method 1
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wwesantos Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
