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IntelliJ - show all compilation errors automatically in the project when code is changed

In Eclipse, when I make any code changes it automatically shows all compilation errors in the workspace in a console. It seems like in IntelliJ I have to make/build the project in order to see any compilation errors. Is there a window/tab to show all compilation errors?

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Glide Avatar asked May 14 '13 01:05


People also ask

How do I see compilation errors in IntelliJ?

Show all errors in one place:The Problems tool window appears if the Make project automatically option is enabled in the Compiler settings. It shows a list of problems that were detected on project compilation. Use the Eclipse compiler: This is actually bundled in IntelliJ.

Why is IntelliJ not showing compilation errors?

In "Settings" --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> "Compiler" check the checkbox "Build project automatically". This will immediately show any compile errors in the project tree.

Does IntelliJ auto compile?

Background compilation (auto-build)You can configure IntelliJ IDEA to build your project automatically, every time you make changes to it. The results of the background compilation are displayed in the Problems tool window.

How do you jump to errors in IntelliJ?

Navigate between errors or warnings To jump to the next or previous found issue in your code, press F2 or Shift+F2 respectively. Alternatively, from the main menu, select Navigate | Next / Previous Highlighted Error. IntelliJ IDEA places the caret immediately before the code issue.

1 Answers

Nowadays you have the same option as in eclipse to have automatic builds when you save.

enter image description here


Any changes in the editor will now trigger a compilation either when Ctrl+s is pressed or after a short interval.

This first image will show a main method and a class with a simple print method. No compilation errors.

enter image description here

In the next image I have removed the parameter message in the print method. That's the only thing I did, I did not even save I just waited a couple of seconds. And then suddenly the compilation error is shown below because the caller of the method has now supplied too many arguments.

enter image description here

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maba Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09
